Business model trends

Business model trends

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Dahar dunya ku data gedé sareng modél bisnis énggal
Universitas Singularity
Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Mitra, Flagship PioneeringKombinasi data sareng inovasi hartosna urang tiasa gaduh kamampuan pikeun nyocogkeun populasi global urang anu tumuwuh...
The rise of the rundle: A new trend for subscription-based services
Bundling is a fundamental aspect of retail and it is starting to trend with new recurring revenue services outside of B2C.
Hierarki pasar - bubuka sareng tingkat 1
Sababaraha taun ka tukang, kuring nyebarkeun kerangka anu kuring disebut The Hierarchy of Engagement (Vérsi 1, sareng diropéa Vérsi "Dilegakeun") anu nyintésis pamikiran kuring ngeunaan kumaha ngawangun produk konsumen anu tahan. The…
The future of gadgets is monthly subscriptions
When I found myself slapping the refresh button last week, trying to snag a preorder for an Xbox Series X console, I found myself surprised by a choice right on the buy page: Would I like to…
The full-stack startup
The old approach startups took was to sell or license their new technology to incumbents. The new, “full stack” approach is to build a complete, end-to-end product or service that bypasses incumbents and other competitors. The good news is if these startups pull it off, it will be extremely hard for competitors to replicate all those interlocking pieces. MORE
Sukses di tengah kateupastian: Tilik taun-taun ka hareup
Kalayan kateupastian sareng volatilitas di dieu pikeun cicing, naon anu tiasa nyababkeun kasaimbangan ékosistem minyak sareng gas?
The fabrics aneh nu fashion ieu tohan on
Di tengah-tengah serangan anu gancang ngalawan mode gancang, perusahaan ningali lawon énggal tina suung sareng nanas.
Tenaga kerja nasionalisasi: Bagian tina sektor pertanian ngan ukur nyéwa Saudis
Lengkah Feed
Ieu bakal muka 32,500 kasempetan padamelan pikeun warga Saudi di sektor pertanian karajaan.
Oregon believes drones, blockchain can better support AG
An entrepreneur from Eugene, Ore., claims that drone imaging and blockchain technology can hold farmers accountable for sustainable farming. Currently, there is no government agency that oversees farm branding.
Royal Dutch shell reskills workers in artificial intelligence as part of huge energy transition
Royal Dutch Shell has partnered with Udacity to digitally train its workers in artificial intelligence.
Ti roughneck minyak ka Cowboy, pagawe Alberta mertimbangkeun parobahan karir
Pos Financial
(Bloomberg) - Sabulan katukang, teu aya anu ngaréspon kana iklan bantosan Nicki Murray pikeun para treuk ngabongkar barang-barang di feedlots Alberta. Ayeuna, anjeunna kéngingkeun satengah…
How Ford, GM, FCA, and Tesla are bringing back factory workers
Verge The
Ford, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler of America, and Tesla all brought factory employees back to work in the last week or two, and each company published a plan showing how it will keep them safe. The one thing they’re all missing? Testing.
Ampir satengahna usaha gagal ngagunakeun data HR
HR Grapevine
Naha anjeun ngamangpaatkeun data anu perusahaan anjeun...
Gurun tiasa janten kebon kalayan téknologi anyar, saur bos Incitec
Jeanne Johns, bos Incitec Pivot, nyatakeun yén acumen tatanén Australia bakal maénkeun peran penting dina ngabantosan ékonomi nagara pulih tina pandémik. 
How a leading construction company ensures the safety and well-being of its workforce
By leveraging SAP solutions, Cosapi is working to mitigate the risks of the pandemic and protect the health of its employees as well as the success of its business model.
Bir kadaluwarsa SA breweries 'pikeun ngahasilkeun énergi renewable pikeun pabrik limbah
Pabrik Pengolahan Air Limbah Glenelg ngarobih bir anu kadaluwarsa kusabab ngirangan penjualan di réstoran, pub sareng klub salami larangan koronavirus janten listrik.
Kumaha pendiri awéwé mekar di London: Dongeng ti minggu téknologi London
Tech Week London ngaluncurkeun sareng nyorot sababaraha inisiatif sareng jaringan anu dianggo pikeun ningkatkeun jumlah awéwé dina téknologi sareng pendiri awéwé.
'Masalah sistemik': Tangtangan akuisisi palanggan anu disanghareupan ku merek DTC langkung seueur biaya
Eceran modern
Pikeun merek langsung-ka-konsumen, naékna biaya akuisisi palanggan mangrupikeun salah sahiji masalah pangbadagna anu aranjeunna nyanghareupan ayeuna.
An ‘experience gap’: Brands need performance marketing experts, but struggle to find them
Eceran modern
More businesses are forgoing CMOs and looking toward more digitally savvy talent to lead marketing. The problem is: It's unclear if there's enough talent to meet the growing need.
Penerbit bisnis ningali acara salaku wewengkon pertumbuhan luhur
Penerbit bisnis mendakan rohangan acara bisnis-ka-bisnis anu pikaresepeun sareng ngarep-arep kamekaran tina segi papacangan.
Specialty programs becoming a popular alternative to an MBA
Maclean urang
Students can now get ready for business, sooner. Specialized graduate programs that don't require job experience are increasingly an alternative to the MBA
OpenAI will start selling its text-generation tech, and the first customers include Reddit
Verge The
Artificial intelligence research lab OpenAI has announced its first commercial product: an accessible version of its text-generation system GPT-3. Pricing is unknown, but early users include AI Dungeon and Reddit.
IBM will no longer offer, develop, or research facial recognition technology
Verge The
IBM will no longer offer general purpose facial recognition or analysis software, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said in a letter to Congress today. Facial recognition software has improved greatly over the last decade thanks to advances in artificial intelligence. At the same time, the technology has been shown to suffer from bias along lines of age, race, and ethnicity
How Southeast Asian startups are creating a digital future in a coronavirus pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic gives us an accelerated view of what the digital future may look like in Southeast Asia. Here’s how some key startups are shaping the markets in four verticals: education, e-commerce, entertainment and healthcare.
Facebook teases a vision of remote work using augmented and virtual reality
Verge The
Facebook has long believed in the promise of virtual and augmented reality extending well beyond entertainment, and we’re now getting a clearer glimpse at what that future might look like now that the current pandemic is reshaping how companies think about remote work and office culture.
How 'Flexing It' is transforming management consulting in India
The freelance revolution in India is large and growing. Flexing It is a great example of how it is transforming traditional management consulting.
Agén Hollywood top ieu nandatanganan sadayana influencer
Search Engine Watch
Fractl's Marketing Director, Amanda Milligan looks into how various brands are responding to the COVID-19 crisis through content. Important lessons.
Kumaha cocreation ngabantosan ngagancangkeun inovasi produk sareng jasa
Siklus inovasi anu gancang penting pikeun meunang di jaman Industri 4.0. Tulisan ieu, anu ka-10 dina séri transformasi industri digital, ngajalajah kumaha kreasi tiasa ngabantosan perusahaan ngagancangkeun sareng ngaleungitkeun résiko inovasi.
Paving diverse paths to technology leadership
IT organizations are focusing on recruiting not just deep technologists, but also nontech professionals from varied backgrounds who are able to bring a fresh perspective to the table.
A Brexit refuge: The Baltic nation offering hope to UK startups
buku pitch
The prospect of a no-deal Brexit has many startups nervous about the future. Enter Estonia's e-Residency program.
I tried Turo, the car share company that connects vehicle owners and renters — here's why I'll never use a traditional car rental again
Business Insider
Turo is the sharing economy's answer to big car rental agencies. Rent cars ranging from a classic roadster to a Volkswagen Vanagon to a brand-new Tesla.
Wireless' next challenge is climate change
Hurricanes, fires and floods mean wireless operators need to make big plans for big disasters.
'The Rachel' Latte, saha? Kumaha pop-up kafe janten spinoff hottest TV urang
reporter Hollywood
'Babaturan,' 'Fleabag' sareng ayeuna 'Schitt's Creek' ngamodalkeun nostalgia Millennial, nyetir panghargaan buzz sareng nyiptakeun "model bisnis énggal" kanggo séri anu dipikacinta.
Rating streaming TV "kotak hideung" tiasa ngakibatkeun perang guild Hollywood
reporter Hollywood
Salaku industri asup ka era anyar, dearth data ratings saluareun "marketing timer porsi" metrics bakal maénkeun peran badag dina ceramah serikat badag Hollywood urang salajengna.
'Éta kapanggih duit': béntang YouTube néangan cara rék dilegakeun ka Facebook
Béntang YouTube terus milarian kasempetan-patok rendah pikeun sindikatkeun pidéo YouTubena ka platform sanés pikeun janten kompetisi pikeun YouTube.
Firms are turning to people analytics to achieve better efficiencies
Financial express
Firms are increasingly turning to people analytics to achieve better efficiencies from employees
‘It’s still very much the Wild West’: Influencer marketing deals are now focused on performance
Influencers can't simply tout their follower count anymore to get marketing deals.
Gawé digital mangrupikeun masa depan pikeun industri hukum
Luhur hukum
Laju bisnis ngagancangan, sareng tempat kerja digital ngawalon paménta pikeun cara anu langkung saé pikeun damel, ku nyayogikeun platform tunggal pikeun ngatur kontén, jalma, sareng aplikasi. Baca deui di dieu.