komputer kuantum

Komputer kuantum

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The world’s new fastest supercomputer is an exascale machine for AI
For the last two years, the US’s Summit was the fastest supercomputer on the planet. But this week, a new system, Japan's Fugaku, took the crown.
Podcast: Quantum computing, now and next
Soundcloud - a16z
Stream a16z Podcast: Quantum Computing, Now and Next by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
Race to vastly better annealers, powerful universal quantum computers which will transform machine learning into quantum learning
Next Big Future
Google has a team led by John Martinis to develop better quantum computers. They will be competing not only with whatever improvements D-Wave can make, but
Komputasi kuantum: disruptor pamungkas
Investor éksponénsial
Quantum computing isn't just faster or simply better, says Andrew Lockley. It's like nothing you've ever seen before.
Perbaikan kasalahan pikeun qubit umur panjang ngajantenkeun komputer kuantum langkung caket
anyar Élmuwan
For the first time, researchers are able to extend the lifetime of a quantum bit, or qubit, using error correction – an essential step to useful quantum computers
Komputasi kuantum ngalangkungan 1s sareng 0s supados langkung gampang ngawangun
PC World
Komputer kuantum tiasa ngajangjikeun kabisat raksasa dina pagelaran sareng efisiensi, tapi teu aya anu tiasa kajantenan dugi ka urang terang cara praktis pikeun ngawangun éta. Jawaban? Objék kalawan leuwih ti dua kaayaan kuantum.
First programmable quantum computer developed by researchers
Two contrasting strategies have come close in the race to develop large-scale quantum computers. One strategy is based on trapping ions, while the other is based on a traditional technology. Both can now develop a basic device, which would be able to run a range of quantum software.
High-Fidelity Quantum logic gates using trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
APS Fisika
The highest two-qubit gate fidelities have been demonstrated in two experiments that use scalable trapped ion platforms.
What makes quantum computing so controversial?
YouTube - Universitas Singularitas
Marcos Lopez de Prado and Quantum Computing. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1Wq6gwm Connect with Singularity University: Website: http://singularityu.org Singulari...
Google gains taneuh anyar dina komputer kuantum universal
Dunya Fisika
Kombinasi metode komputasi digital sareng analog tiasa janten jalur nuju komputer kuantum
Komputasi kuantum bakal ngajantenkeun PC anjeun sapertos kalkulator grafik
Tren digital
infried Heninger resep Star Trek. "Éta balik deui ka sakola dasar," saur diréktur Sussex Center for Quantum Technologies di Inggris. "Kuring hayang jadi perwira sains di Enterprise, jadi kuring digawé kaluar dina ngeunaan kelas lima yén kuring hayang diajar fisika." Kiwari, karyana sapopoé dina abstrak […]
Google sees long, expensive road ahead for quantum computing
Platform salajengna
As was the case over seven decades ago in the early days of digital computing – when the switch at the heart of the system was a vacuum tube, not even a
Komputasi kuantum mangrupikeun balapan ruang angkasa salajengna, saur Hugh Bradlow Telstra
Tinjauan Kauangan
If Australians win the quantum computing race, they could shape the future of the 21st century, Telstra's Hugh Bradlow has said.
Quantum summit - panel discussion
YouTube - IQIM Caltech
How soon will we have quantum computers? In what ways will they transform our lives? Listen in as some of the top experts from tech companies working on quan...
Terobosan komputasi kuantum tiasa ngabantosan 'ngarobah kahirupan lengkep', saur ilmuwan
'It is the Holy Grail of science ... we will be able to do certain things we could never even dream of before'
Dina dua pikiran: kabisat kuantum pamaréntahan ka hareup
nu Guardian
Governments are investing millions in quantum in the hope it might help save lives. But will this gamble on subatomic particles pay off?
Quantum computing is going commercial with the potential to disrupt everything
Problems that would take longer than a human's life span on a classic computer will be completed in hours or days with quantum computing.
China shatters “spooky action at a distance” record, preps for quantum internet
Amérika ilmiah
Results from the Micius satellite test quantum entanglement, pointing the way toward hackproof global communications
Quantum computers compete for “Supremacy”
Amérika ilmiah
Two technologies may be on the verge of surpassing even the most powerful digital computers in a year or so, but key challenges remain unsolved
Komputasi kuantum ngaléngkah saléngkah sareng nyiptakeun bahan spintronics
Tren digital
A newly developed material known as bismuthene could make spintronics viable at room temperature and beyond.
Morgan Stanley: Tren téknologi gedé salajengna ieu tiasa ngamimitian 'revolusi industri kaopat'
Morgan Stanley says IBM, Google, Microsoft and Nokia Bell Labs currently have the "most credible" quantum computing pipelines.
The strange physics Google, IBM, and others are banking on to change computing
Company gancang
Quantum computing has long lingered somewhere between reality and fantasy. Whatever the facts, the underlying science is very real and very weird.
Tes komputer kuantum Google nunjukkeun terobosan dina jangkauan
anyar Élmuwan
The idea that quantum computers can do things that regular ones cannot isn’t proven. But Google thinks it knows a problem only a quantum computer can solve
Quantum computers pose imminent threat to Bitcoin security
MIT Téhnologi Review
Bitcoin is taking the world by storm. The decentralized digital currency is a secure payment platform that anybody can use. It is free from government interference and operated by an open, peer-to-peer network. This independence is one reason Bitcoin has become so popular, causing its value to rise steeply. At the beginning of 2017, a single…
Éropa unveils roadmap pikeun dékade hareup komputasi kuantum
Back in 2016, the EU invested 1 billion euros (almost $1.2 billion at today's exchange rates) in quantum computing. Now, a year and a half later, it's time for an update on what's happening thanks to a 150-page roadmap on European quantum technologies. It also outlines where the project will go over the next decade.
Kasalahan-gratis kana umur komputer kuantum
A study led by physicists at Swansea University in Wales, carried out by an international team of researchers and published in the journal Physical Review X shows that ion-trap technologies available today are suitable for building large-scale quantum computers. The scientists introduce trapped-ion quantum error correction protocols that detect and correct processing errors.
Scientists discover how to harness the power of quantum spookiness by entangling clouds of atoms
Hub Tunggal
One of the most iconic features of quantum mechanics is “entanglement." Now, three independent European research groups have managed to entangle not just a pair of particles, but separated clouds of thousands of atoms. They’ve also found a way to harness their technological potential.
Quantum computer: we’re planning to create one that acts like a brain
Combining quantum computing with neural networks could produce AI that can make very complex decisions quickly.
Panempoan Guardian ngeunaan komputasi kuantum: balapan angkasa énggal
nu Guardian
Editorial: The main use of quantum technology might not be to hack existing systems but to create unhackable communication networks of the future
Silicon gains taneuh dina lomba komputasi kuantum
The manufacturing techniques behind classical computing are making their way into quantum devices. The manufacturing techniques behind classical computing are making their way into quantum devices.
Apocalypse komputasi kuantum caket
According to experts, quantum computers will be able to create breakthroughs in many of the most complicated data processing problems, leading to the development of new medicines, building molecular structures and doing analysis going far beyond the capabilities of today's binary computers.
Ieu sapertos komputer kuantum 50-qubit
Ti kajauhan katingalina siga lampu gantung steampunk. Kumpulan intricate tina tabung na kawat nu culminate dina silinder baja leutik di handap. Nya, éta mangrupikeun salah sahiji komputer kuantum anu paling canggih anu kantos diwangun. Prosesor di jerona ngagaduhan 50 bit kuantum, atanapi qubit, anu ngolah tugas ku cara (berpotensi) revolusioner. Biasana, inpormasi didamel sareng disimpen salaku séri hiji
Russian, German physicists create 'impossible' material for quantum computers
Sputnik News
The researchers, supervised by Professor Alexei Ustinov, the head of the MISiS Superconducting Metamaterials Lab, has created the world's first metamaterial-based...
Pakasaban hiji pikeun komputer kuantum: Ngaronjatkeun kecerdasan jieunan
Majalah Quantam
The fusi komputasi kuantum jeung learning mesin geus jadi wewengkon panalungtikan booming. Naha éta tiasa nyumponan ekspektasi anu luhur?
Why quantum computers will be an amazing tool for social innovators
Quantum computers will have a wide impact from scientific research to business. But there’s another area that could benefit from their problem-solving prowess too: Social impact. As quantum computers are developed further, here are three reasons it is important for social innovators to step up and lead.
Algoritma kuantum tiasa ngabantosan AI mikir langkung gancang
Salah sahiji cara komputer 'mikir' nyaéta ku nganalisa hubungan dina set data anu ageung. Tim internasional nunjukkeun yén komputer kuantum tiasa ngalakukeun hiji analisa sapertos langkung gancang tibatan komputer klasik, pikeun jinis data anu langkung lega tibatan anu disangka samemehna.
IBM inches ahead of Google in race for quantum computing power
MIT Téhnologi Review
All kinds of things are hooked up to the Internet these days, but Jerry Chow’s computer stands out. Chilled by liquid helium, his superconducting processor uses quantum physics to circumvent rules of everyday reality that limit the power of conventional computers. Chow manages IBM’s quantum computing group at the company’s Thomas J. Watson research center…
Job one for quantum computers: boost artificial intelligence
Maké kabel
The fusi komputasi kuantum jeung learning mesin geus jadi wewengkon panalungtikan booming. Naha éta tiasa nyumponan ekspektasi anu luhur?
Komputer kuantum 'hiji léngkah ngadeukeutan'
Quantum computing has taken a step forward with the recent development of a silicon-based programmable quantum processor.
Fisikawan nyiptakeun bentuk cahaya anyar
MIT and Harvard physicists have created a new form of light that could enable quantum computing with photons.
Prosesor kuantum dua-qubit anu tiasa diprogram dina silikon
Prosesor kuantum dua-qubit dina alat silikon ditingalikeun, anu tiasa ngalaksanakeun algoritma Deutsch-Josza sareng algoritma milarian Grover. Ngembangkeun platform pikeun komputasi kuantum basis spin terus gancang. Komponén individu tina sistem sapertos kitu parantos seueur panalungtikan, sareng aranjeunna parantos dirakit pikeun nerapkeun algoritma komputasi kuantum khusus.
Nobody knows how far off useful quantum computers are: Here’s why
The Next Web
The recent breakthroughs in quantum physics expand on work down nearly two decades ago. So how far away are useful quantum computers?
Lamun komputer kuantum ngancem blockchains, blockchains kuantum bisa jadi pertahanan nu
MIT Téhnologi Review
  A blockchain mangrupakeun struktur matematik nu nyimpen data aman kana waktu. Ide geus risen ka Kinérja dina tonggong booming Bitcoin. Bitcoin ngandelkeun blockchain pikeun nyimpen transaksi mata uang anu aya hubunganana. Tapi téknologi anu sami tiasa nyimpen data naon waé — data pengiriman barang, kamajuan program komputer, kontrak pinter,…
Google hoyong ngagampangkeun program komputer kuantum
MIT Téhnologi Review
Komputer kuantum masih di infancy maranéhanana, tapi tukang mesin aheng hayang nyorong pamekar software pikeun ékspérimén kalawan aranjeunna. Ngaprogram sirkuit dina mesin kuantum mangrupikeun tantangan nyata. Gantina bit digital standar, nu ngagambarkeun boh 1 atawa 0, komputer kuantum ngagunakeun "qubits," nu bisa di duanana nagara sakaligus ...
The coming quantum leap in computing
Practical applications for quantum computing in multiple industries are closer than many people think. The market could hit $50 billion by 2030.
Researchers created ‘Quantum Artificial Life’ for the first time
Wakil - Motherboard
“Our research brought these amazingly sophisticated events called life to the realm of the atomic and microscopic world …and it worked.”
IBM just proved quantum computers can do things impossible for classical ones
The Next Web
The debate over whether quantum computers will ever be able to do anything better than classical ones is over. A team of researchers just proved they can.
Graduate student solves quantum verification problem
Urmila Mahadev spent eight years in graduate school solving one of the most basic questions in quantum computation: How do you know whether a quantum computer…
Kumaha silikon sakola heubeul bisa mawa komputer kuantum ka massa
Company gancang
Hiji pendekatan anyar pikeun kuantum - schlepping data kalawan lampu - gumantung kana barang pisan gampang sadia tina chip komputer klasik.
The case against quantum computing
Spéktrum IEEE
The proposed strategy relies on manipulating with high precision an unimaginably huge number of variables
A new type of quantum computer has smashed every record
IonQ was founded on a gamble that 'trapped ion quantum' computing could outperform the silicon-based quantum computers that Google and others are building. As of right now,...
Quantum communication just took a great leap forward
Hub Tunggal
Solutions to these problems have been found using the bizarre properties of the quantum world, in particular quantum entanglement.
A new type of network is on the rise to combat the quantum threat to encryption
Data Centre Knowledge
“Quantum-proof” encryption algorithms won’t be entirely quantum-proof. Quantum key distribution networks could be the answer.
D-Wave takes another step on the Path to broader quantum computing commercialization
D-Wave’s new, lower-noise quantum processor will make quantum computing solutions more practical for business.
People may one day live on Mars in these NASA-approved, 3D-printed homes—take a look inside
A NASA contest asked dozens of architects and technology experts to submit designs for 3D-printed habitats that could one day house humans on Mars. These are the designs that won.
How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours
Many people worry that quantum computers will be able to crack certain codes used to send secure messages. The codes in question encrypt data using “trapdoor” mathematical functions that work easily in one direction but not in the other. That makes encrypting data easy but decoding it hugely difficult without the help of a special…
Quantum computing breakthrough means Google could be very close to revealing revolutionary machine
Google director says computational power is growing at 'doubly exponential' rate
Quantum supremacy is coming: Here’s what you should know
Researchers are getting close to building a quantum computer that can perform tasks a classical computer can’t. Here’s what the milestone will mean.
200 times faster than ever before: the speediest quantum operation yet
A group of physicists at UNSW Sydney have built a super-fast version of the central building block of a quantum computer. The research is the milestone result of a vision first outlined by scientists 20 years ago.
Quantum supremacy is coming. It won't change the world
nu Guardian
If quantum computers are to help solve humanity’s problems, they will have to improve drastically
Entan­gle­ment sent over 50 km of opti­cal fiber
For the first time, a team led by Innsbruck physicist Ben Lanyon has sent a light particle entangled with matter over 50 km of optical fiber. This paves the way for the practical use of quantum networks and sets a milestone for a future quantum internet.
Google reportedly attains 'quantum supremacy'
Its quantum computer can solve tasks that are otherwise unsolvable, a report says.
When will quantum computers outperform regular computers?
Any day now, quantum computers will solve a problem too hard for a classical computer to take on. Or at least, that’s what we’ve been hoping. Scientists and companies are racing toward this computing milestone, dubbed quantum supremacy and seemingly just beyond our reach, and if you’ve been following the quantum computing story, you might wonder why we’re not there yet, given all the hype.
Google’s Quantum supremacy announcement shouldn't be a surprise
Headlines have boldly proclaimed that Google achieved “quantum supremacy” after the Financial Times on Friday leaked a draft of Google’s quantum supremacy research paper. I’m here to tell you that this is not a big surprise, nor is it a big deal—at least, not for you, yet.
Kabisat kuantum di dunya klasik
mékanika populér
Pikeun kahiji kalina, fisikawan nguji fenomena superposisi kuantum ngagunakeun molekul. Éta masalah badag.
China takes another step towards uncrackable quantum communication
On top of improving the efficiency, the team has tackled some of the potential side-channel attacks that a hacker could use to compromise the secure link.
Honeywell's new quantum computer edges closer to threatening Bitcoin
Honeywell has announced that its newest quantum computer has reached a quantum volume of 64—twice as powerful as rival machines from IBM and Google.
Time crystal discovery could change the future of quantum computing
An international team of physicists observed the interaction of time crystals for the first time, a phenomenon essential to quantum computing.
Terobosan komputasi kuantum utama nyaéta ngoyagkeun fisika sareng matematika
Sleuths warga kaluar dina jumlahna (atanapi liang di jero, frantically tweeting) saatos bom Boston Marathon minggu kamari. Di sagigireun netes-tetes tina média mainstream sareng tetesan inpormasi ti…
Commercialising quantum computers
The ékonom
Today’s small, limited and finicky machines may yet have business uses
A path to graphene topological qubits
Aalto Universitas
Researchers demonstrate that magnetism and superconductivity can coexist in graphene, opening a pathway towards graphene-based topological qubits
Exclusive: Air Force research taps quantum computing
The research collaboration with QC Ware will provide a real-world test of the technology
Going beyond qubits: New study demonstrates key components for a Qutrit-based quantum computer
Berkeley Lab
Team led by Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley scientists builds a new type of quantum processor capable of information scrambling like that theorized within black holes.
Intel says it has solved a key bottleneck in quantum computing
Intel has overcome a quantum computing bottleneck by controlling two qubits with a cryogenic control chip..
Google boga tujuan pikeun komputer kuantum kelas komérsial ku 2029
The Wall Street Journal
Raksasa téknologi mangrupikeun salah sahiji seueur perusahaan anu balap ngawangun bisnis dina téknologi nascent.