sharing economy trends

Sharing economy trends

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'Ekonomi babagi' Inggris nyiptakeun budak bawahan anu nekat
The "masa depan gawé" mangrupakeun rip-off pikeun pagawe anu hirup di sieun konstan pikeun pakasaban maranéhanana.
Ékonomi babagi sanés ceruk. Éta masa depan kapitalisme pasar.
Kumaha pasar masa depan bakal fungsina nalika téknologi nyababkeun biaya marginal barang sareng jasa ampir nol?
Kumaha 'téori agrégasi' nyababkeun révolusi téknologi multi-triliun dolar
Tom Goodwin ngadamel observasi di handap ieu dina tulisan Maret 2015 na di Techcrunch judulna The Battle Is For The Customer Interface sareng éta janten viral dina média sosial taun ka tukang: Dina Juli 2015 na…
After 20 years, it's harder to ignore the digital economy's dark side
Harvard Business Review
Looking back at a set of predictions from 1995.
The killer app for sharing is cities
Company gancang
The urban environment, where people want connections and convenience, is where the vision will come together.
Apploitation in a city of instaserfs
Alternatif Kawijakan
How the “sharing economy” has turned San Francisco into a dystopia for the working class
Uber and Airbnb are not the future of capitalism
The sharing economy is less important than Silicon Valley gurus think.
Ieu sanés sci-fi: Ékonomi babagi dumasar rohangan anu dikuatkeun ku satelit nano tiasa nyalametkeun umat manusa
Urang Forum
Nyiptakeun ékonomi ngabagi di luar angkasa tiasa ngabantosan urang ngaidentipikasi sareng ngalawan sababaraha ancaman pangbadagna pikeun planét urang.
The sharing economy was always a scam
Founded in 2014, Omni is a startup that offers users the ability to store and rent their lesser-used stuff in the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland. Backed by roughly $40 million in venture…
Pandemic flattens the sharing economy
Companies that depended on people sharing space and goods are in a tough spot right now.
'A bargain with the devil' - Bill comes due for overextended Airbnb hosts
Wall Street Journal
Entrepreneurs built mini-empires of short-term rental properties, borrowing against revenue that’s now vanishing under coronavirus lockdowns.
Airbnb and hotels: What to do about the sharing economy?
Maké kabel
The sharing economy seems to be going from strength to strength. The poster child of sharing, Airbnb recently had a valuation of $10 billion and reported revenue of $250 million last year. The company, which allows users to rent out their spare rooms or vacant homes to strangers, overtook 10 million stays on its platform…
Kumaha carana ngadamel rejeki tanpa 'ngalakukeun' nanaon: The Uber, carita Airbnb
Matak dina retorika umur anyar nu disebut ékonomi babagi, loba firms nyieun duit ku teu tanggung jawab loba nanaon.
Why the sharing economy could be the internet’s most divisive revolution yet
nu Guardian
Concerns are growing that the supposedly benign philosophy behind the new wave of internet star names such as Airbnb and Uber simply disguises a rapacious business model, writes <strong>Charles Arthur</strong>
Ékonomi babagi mana tingkat salajengna
Company gancang
Pamotongan bisnis anyar aya di dieu pikeun nanganan sadayana tina panyerahan konci pikeun cucian tamu. Sebut aranjeunna "sub-ékonomi Airbnb."
Jaringan sareng sifat perusahaan
WTF Economy
Salah sahiji téma anu urang ngajalajah dina Next: Summit Ékonomi nyaéta cara jaringan ngalangkungan bentuk tradisional organisasi perusahaan, sareng kumaha aranjeunna ngarobih cara tradisional ngatur éta…
Pasar Resale diperkirakeun hargana $ 64 milyar dina 5 taun, sabab pakean anu dianggo nyandak pacilingan
Sanaos pandémik koronavirus ngagedékeun seueur industri ritel sareng ngirangan penjualan baju, pasar baju bekas masih diperkirakeun booming, numutkeun hiji pasar jual deui online.
Pandemic hastens shift to asset-light economy
Wall Street Journal
Value is increasingly derived from digital platforms, software and other intangible investments rather than physical assets and traditional relationships.
JP Morgan CEO can't explain how one of his low-paid employees should budget her salary – video
nu Guardian
Democratic congresswoman Katie Porter grills JP Morgan’s billionaire CEO, Jamie Dimon, on the real-world consequences his bank’s low wages have had on a single mother’s life.Porter found that a single mother on a starting salary as a teller would be $567 short at the end of each month.
Major UK financial firms make little progress on gender pay gap
By Carolyn Cohn and Lawrence White
LONDON (Reuters) – Major financial services firms in Britain have made very little progress in narrowing the gap between
How Indonesia is using data to protect its oceans
Indonesia's oceans are a mainstream economic and food security issue, but they are in peril. Using the power of data and innovative technology, the country is fighting back against overfishing, plastic pollution, and slavery at sea.
Why micro futures are a game changer for retail traders
The Street
Equity index traders hesitant to venture into futures should be encouraged by contracts one-tenth the size of the popular E-mini.
Central banks urge finance sector to get ‘greener’
Jurnal Lingkungan
The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) said that the sector must play a role in spurring economies to achieve the aims of the Paris Agreement.
Ngurangan minggu gawe ka 30 jam, nyebutkeun ekonom
A shorter working week would make us healthier, give us more fulfilling and sustainable lives and be better for the environment, economists have suggested.
Closing the gap: Leadership perspectives on promoting women in financial services
Men and women in financial services begin their careers at parity, but women account for only 19 percent of positions in the C-suite. Our research breaks down the current state of gender diversity in the industry and explores ways to improve the representation of women at every level.
Ampir dua per tilu lulusan anu badé gabung dina séktor perbankan parantos ngalaman masalah kaséhatan méntal
HR Review
Panaliti anyar ngungkabkeun statistik anu ngareureuwas ngeunaan kaséhatan méntal mahasiswa sareng lulusan anu badé ngalamar padamelan dina industri perbankan di Inggris.