video streaming growth trends

Video streaming growth trends

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The next Disney will come from China and its name is Tencent
Maké kabel
Tencent is using its social networks, WeChat and QQ, and video games to build an entertainment juggernaut.
European networks are joining forces to take on Netflix and Amazon
Nu Hollywood wartawan
Old media broadcasters in Germany and France are setting up ambitious joint national video platforms, but do they have what it takes to compete with Netflix and other streaming giants?
Inside the race to own free streaming video
Subscription services get all the attention, but the war for free streaming video is no less competitive -- and more wide open.
From binge watching to appointment viewing
500 iuh
Three years ago, I asked the question if Stranger Things wouldn’t be better as a “standard” weekly-release show, rather than as a standard Netflix binge-ready show? Three years later, I’m still…
The Emmys nembongkeun bentang televisi fragmented
The ékonom
Nalika jumlah platform sareng program naskah parantos ningkat, acara anu dirayakeun dina panghargaan janten langkung teu jelas.
The ticking time bomb that could blow up Hollywood's streaming era
Nu Hollywood wartawan
Roku, Amazon Fire, Google Chromecast and other digital TV devices are becoming the new middlemen between apps and consumers — what happens when there is conflict?
Video streaming shakeup
The question for video consumers is no longer “How do I watch?”, but “What do I keep and what do I cut?”.
Waktu playback: Sikep konsumen mana anu bakal ngabentuk perang streaming?
Panyipta kontén sareng platform anu berjuang pikeun pamirsa bakal bagja terang yén konsumen daék makutha sababaraha juara. Numutkeun kana édisi Streaming Wars khusus tina Nielsen Total Audience Report, anu janten sumber perdana industri ngeunaan bebeneran média dina platform, ...
Fresh content for stale days
500 iuh
Each night, it’s the same. “What should we watch?” “I guess continue the thing we’ve been watching?” “Yeah, but is there anything new?” If your household is anything like mine, this is the…
The Amazon of entertainment
Gartner pikeun Marketers
Scott chats with The Atlantic's senior editor Derek Thompson about Disney, Netflix, and who will win the war for content and distribution. https://www.theatl...
Kumaha Disney bakal maksa Netflix ngarobih streaming
Verge The
Nepi ka akhir taun 2019, Disney parantos ngajangjikeun pikeun ngaluncurkeun jasa streaming online sorangan, salajengna ngahesekeun pilihan pikeun pamirsa anu ngan ukur hoyong ningali nikmatna ...
Masalah Netflix
Industri Streaming bakal Runtuh. Ieu sababna.Laporan Fenomena Internet Sandvines Paramount V Amérika Serikathttps://www...