Company profile

Future of Quest Diagnostics

| Quantumrun Global 1000

Quest Diagnostics Incorporated is a US company providing clinical laboratory services with headquarters in Madison, New Jersey. Established in 1967 as Metropolitan Pathology Laboratory, Inc., it became an independent corporation with the Quest name on December 31, 1996. In addition to its American location, Quest Diagnostics also operates in Mexico, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Brazil, and a laboratory in India and also has collaborative arrangements globally with several hospitals and clinics. It offers access to diagnostic testing services for neurological disorders, infectious disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Home Country:
Healthcare - Pharmacy and Other Services
Global employee count:
Domestic employee count:
Number of domestic locations:

Financial Health

3y average revenue:
$7464000000 USD
3y average expenses:
$6273000000 USD
Funds in reserve:
$359000000 USD

Asset Performance

  1. Product/Service/Dept. name
    DIS business
    Product/Service revenue
  2. Product/Service/Dept. name
    DS businesses
    Product/Service revenue

Innovation assets and Pipeline

Total patents held:
Number of patents field last year:

All company data collected from its 2015 annual report and other public sources. The accuracy of this data and the conclusions derived from them depend on this publicly accessible data. If a data point listed above is discovered to be inaccurate, Quantumrun will make the necessary corrections to this live page. 


Belonging to the healthcare sector means this company will be affected directly and indirectly by a number of disruptive opportunities and challenges over the coming decades. While described in detail within Quantumrun’s special reports, these disruptive trends can be summarized along the following broad points:

*First off, the late 2020s will see the Silent and Boomer generations enter deep into their senior years. Representing nearly 30-40 per cent of the global population, this combined demographic will represent a significant strain on the health systems of developed nations. *However, as an engaged and wealthy voting block, this demographic will actively vote for increased public spending on subsidized health services (hospitals, emergency care, nursing homes, etc.) to support them in their greying years.
*The economic strain caused this massive senior citizen demographic will encourage developed nations to fast-track the testing and approval process for new drugs, surgeries and treatment protocols that may improve the overall physical and mental health of patients to a point where they can lead independent lives outside of the health care system.
*This increased investment into the health care system will include a greater emphasis on preventative medicine and treatments.
*By the early 2030s, the most profound preventative health care treatment will become available: treatments to stunt and later reverse the effects of aging. These treatments will be provided annually and, over time, will become affordable to the masses. This health revolution will result in a reduced usage and strain on the overall health care system—since younger people/bodies use less health care resources, on average, than people in older, sicker bodies.
*Increasingly, we will use artificial intelligence systems diagnose patients and robots to manage intricate surgeries.
*By the late 2030s, technological implants will correct any physical injury, while brain implants and memory erasure drugs will cure most any mental trauma or illness.
*By the mid-2030s, all medicines will be customized to your unique genome and microbiome.


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