France predictions for 2035

Read 11 predictions about France in 2035, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for France in 2035

International relations predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Politics predictions for France in 2035

Politics related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Government predictions for France in 2035

Government related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Economy predictions for France in 2035

Economy related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Technology predictions for France in 2035

Technology related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

  • France's investment of approximately 2 billion Euros enables cross-border electrical transmission capacity to double to 30 GW compared to that of 2019. 1%1
  • French power generation increases by 16% to 640 TWh and the share of renewable electricity in the primary energy mix increases to 37% compared to the condition in 2020. 0%1
  • After shutting down its nuclear reactors, France has to meet 11,000 MW electricity demand increase, this rise in consumption will have to be met with hydropower and renewables. 0%1
  • EDF, France's state-owned utility, completes around 30 GW of installed solar generation capacity in line with France’s long-term energy plan. 75%1
  • A total of 14 nuclear power reactors are being shut down this year to reduce the share of nuclear energy in France's electricity generation mix from 75% to 50%. 1%1
  • Electric cars may make French power demand rise again .Link
  • French power grid operator RTE to invest Eur33 bil by 2035.Link
  • France's EDF to accelerate growth in renewable projects.Link
  • Macron clarifies French energy plans.Link

Culture predictions for France in 2035

Culture related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

  • France's potential GDP growth rate rises from 1.3 percent in 2019 to 1.8 percent. 1%1

Defense predictions for in 2035

Defense related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

  • Australia signs major submarine deal with France.Link

Infrastructure predictions for France in 2035

Infrastructure related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Environment predictions for France in 2035

Environment related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Science predictions for France in 2035

Science related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

Health predictions for France in 2035

Health related predictions to impact France in 2035 include:

More predictions from 2035

Read the top global predictions from 2035 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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