aeronautics innovation trends

Aeronautics innovation trends

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Farm waste and animal fats will help power a united jet
New York Times
Later this summer, United Airlines will begin using fuel generated from farm waste and oil from animal fats to help power its commercial flights.
Supersonic airplanes and the age of irrational technology
Was the Concorde a triumph of modern engineering, a metaphor for misplaced 20th-century values, or both?
Airbus e-fan 'electric plane' completes cross-channel flight
Pilot Didier Estyene's E-Fan battery-powered plane successfully completes its crossing from Kent, England to Calais.
Boeing għadha kif ipprivattiva magna tal-ġett li taħdem bil-lejżers u splużjonijiet nukleari
Insider Negozju
L-Uffiċċju tal-Privattivi u tat-Trademarks tal-Istati Uniti approva applikazzjoni minn Boeing għal magna tal-ġett mmexxija bil-laser u nukleari.
Reaction engines reveals secret of sabre frost control technology
Il-Ġimgħa tal-Avjazzjoni
Details of the critical technology at the core of an innovative hybrid hypersonic propulsion system for air and space systems have been unveiled for the first time by its British-based developer, Reaction Engines.
Distributed electric propulsion may usher in a new era of flight
SciTech Kuljum
NASA scientists believe distributed electric propulsion is set to usher in a new era of aviation, allowing engineers to do things that they have wanted to do for 50 years. Mark Moore imagines a world where clean, agile airplanes conquer highway gridlock, where soul-sapping, two-hour commutes are
Airbus patents plane that could fly from paris to tokyo in three hours
The Guardian
Plane manufacturer wins US approval for proposed hypersonic jet that would slash flight times by jumping above the atmosphere
In-NU taqbel li toħloq sistema globali ta 'traċċar tat-titjiriet wara l-għejbien ta' mh370
L-għajbien tat-Titjira MH370 tal-Malaysian Airlines b'239 persuna abbord is-sena li għaddiet xpruna sforz dinji biex tinħoloq sistema aħjar biex jintraċċaw it-titjiriet ċivili. Nhar l-Erbgħa, ftit minn dak l-isforz ta l-frott. Kumitat tan-NU qabel li jalloka ap
Lockheed Martin's hypersonic aircraft plans are taking shape
For years, Lockheed Martin has been working on hypersonic (Mach 5 and above) aircraft like the SR-72, which could reach virtually any part of the world within a couple of hours.
X-plane ġdid tan-Nasa u l-futur tal-ajruplani elettriċi
Id-dinja qiegħda fit-tfittxija biex toħloq ajruplani aktar nodfa u kwieti li jistgħu jissostitwixxu l-ajruplani kummerċjali li jibżgħu u jgħajtu li qed jintużaw illum. In-NASA qed tmexxi ħafna mill-isforz tar-riċerka u l-iżvilupp f’dan il-qasam u llum ħabbru isem uffiċjali għall-kunċett ta’ X-plane li jmiss tagħhom: l-X-57 “Maxwell”. Maxwell huwa pjan ta 'riċerka elettriku ibridu mgħammar [...]
How pod planes could change travel forever
Revolutionary pod designs would let passengers travel by bus, train and plane while staying in the same seat.
Y combinator boom’s supersonic passenger plane is insane
Boom’s supersonic plane will be capable of Mach 2.2 speeds (~1,451 mph), which means they’ll travel at more than double the speed of sound.
Dan l-ajruplan jista’ jaqsam l-Atlantiku fi żmien 3.5 sigħat. Għaliex falla?
Il-Concorde tana trasport supersoniku. Imma għaliex falla dan l-ajruplan supersoniku? It-tweġiba hija kkumplikata. Segwi Phil Edwards u Vox Almanac fuq Facebook...
Why helicopter airliners haven’t happened – yet
If we could travel by helicopter, it would save us time and lessen the need for building large, expensive airports. So what’s stopping us? Stephen Dowling investigates.
Flying with the fourth state of matter
The field of plasma aerodynamics itself has an intriguing history.
Axial stack battery design could unlock the era of supersonic electric airliners
Atlas Ġdid
Luke Workman is a complete maniac. He's also one of the world's leading lithium battery pack designers for electric vehicles, and he's come up with a revolutionary battery design that he says could bring on clean, quiet, long-distance, commercial-scale supersonic airliners.
Il-pjan awdaċi li jġib lura titjira supersonika — u jibdel l-ivvjaġġar bl-ajru għal dejjem
Tgħallimna nittolleraw l-ivvjaġġar bl-ajru bil-mod u boring. Iżda hemm każ konvinċenti li għandu jkun ħafna, ħafna aktar mgħaġġel.
Bringing back the supersonic era: boom’s planes are faster, cheaper than the concorde
Fast Company
Airlines could demand 1,300 of the $200 million 45-seat planes, which are expected to fly from New York to London in less than 3 1/2 hours.
Boeing plans to reinvent aircraft windows
Privattiv Yogi
Boeing is very sensitive about passengers comfort while traveling in their airplanes.  Accordingly, the company keeps innovating solutions to make the travel more comfortable and enjoyable. This includes solutions like ending passengers wild goose chase to locate empty cabins, to providing location-based services onboard aircraft, and converting interior surfaces of airplanes into projection scre
Blimps ibridi dalwaqt jistgħu jieħdu s-smewwiet
Fast Company
Dawn mhumiex airships tiegħek stil Hindenburg.
The future of airliners? - aurora d8
Inġinerija Real
Get 10% off Squarespace by following this link: Get your Real Engineering shirts at:
Revealed: Sergey Brin's secret plans to build the world's biggest aircraft
The Guardian
Google co-founder is building airship designed to be able to deliver supplies and food on humanitarian missions to remote locations, sources said
Don't freak over Boeing's self-flying plane—robots already run the skies
The plane maker wants to build an autonomous airlines, but computer systems have long been in charge.
Lee-Gardner amendment would reduce supersonic fuel burn by 20 percent or more
Boom Super Sonic
Update: The Lee-Gardner Amendment was adopted by the Senate Commerce Committee by unanimous voice vote. At Boom Supersonic, our mission is to eliminate the barriers to experiencing the planet. That…
Ċeramika ġdida tressaq l-ivvjaġġar ipersoniku eqreb lejn ir-realtà
Atlas Ġdid
Tim ta 'xjentisti mill-Gran Brittanja u ċ-Ċina żviluppaw tip ġdid ta' karbur taċ-ċeramika li jista 'jiflaħ it-temperaturi għoljin tat-titjir b'aktar minn ħames darbiet il-veloċità tal-ħoss mingħajr id-degradazzjoni esperjenzata minn materjali simili.
Airbus is looking towards a future of pilotless planes
Plane manufacturers are racing to develop artificial intelligence that will one day enable computers to fly planes without human beings at the controls
Boeing just revealed an autonomous plane that can refuel fighter jets in midair
Insider Negozju
Boeing's MQ-25 Stingray would be able to extend the range of a fighter plane.
China’s hypersonic aircraft would fly from Beijing to New York in two hours
Popular Science
A Chinese science journal reported that a team of researchers have made a breakthrough in hypersonics, successfully testing a unique plane in a wind tunnel to speeds of Mach 7, or about 5,600 miles per hour.
Londra għal New York fi 3.5 sigħat: ajruplan mini-concorde baby boom li se jivvjaġġa b’veloċità ta’ 1,687 mph huwa pass eqreb biex jitlaq wara kunsinna ta’ magna ‘tragward’
Kuljum Mail
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv Blake Scholl żvela li l-magni XB-1 ta’ Boom Supersonic huma lesti u dalwaqt se jaslu fil-hangar ta’ Boom fl-Ajruport Centennial f’Denver, Colorado.
L-aktar ġdid X-Plane tan-NASA jista 'jqajjem titjira supersonika għall-mases
Id-Dimostratur Low Boom ta’ Lockheed Martin jingħaqad mal-gradi tal-ajruplani X famużi tan-NASA—u jista’ jġib lura l-età tal-avjazzjoni ċivili supersonika li ntemmet meta l-Concorde irtira fl-2003.
Zunum aero’s hybrid electric airplane aims to rejuvenate regional travel
L-Ispettru tal-IEEE
The startup is building short-haul aircraft for Boeing and JetBlue that combine gas turbines and batteries
Il-forza tal-ajru trid tbassar l-inċidenti tal-avjazzjoni qabel ma jseħħu
L-idea hija li takkumula dejta u tiċċekkja għal xi ħaġa fir-reviżjoni tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru li tista 'tbassar kawża ewlenija.
Kif jaħdem il-kunċett tal-ajruplan ipersoniku tal-passiġġieri tal-Boeing
Mekkanika popolari
Bini ta’ ajruplan li jista’ jilħaq (u jgħix) Mach 5.
Aktar kwiet, aktar mgħaġġel, aktar b'saħħtu: L-età tal-ġett li jmiss ġejja
Ħieles Aħseb
L-età tal-ġett li jmiss hija hawnhekk. Żviluppi ġodda min-NASA u l-istartups tal-ġett juru li l-innovazzjoni fl-aħħar qed terġa’ lura għall-ivvjaġġar bl-ajru.
Are you ready to fly without a human pilot?
New York Times
Rapid advances in airplane technology make pilotless flying possible sooner than anticipated — but the biggest manufacturers say other advances are likely first.
Kif eventwalment ser nafdaw ajruplani, ferroviji u karozzi awtonomi b'ħajjitna
Aċċettazzjoni mifruxa ta 'karozzi li jsuqu waħedhom tiġi biss meta l-industrija tadotta l-backups robusti, ir-regolamenti, u s-sorveljanza li hija meħuda bħala mogħtija f'setturi oħra tat-trasport.
Electric flight is coming, but the batteries aren’t ready
The idea of electric-powered flight has been around for decades, but only recently has it begun to take off.
Għaliex ajruplani akbar ifissru kwarti skomdi. Paradoss.
It-titjira kienet tipika: Kienet mimlija, biex nasal fuq is-sedil tiegħi ħadet għal dejjem, u, ladarba għamilt, l-ispazju overhead-bin kien spiċċa. Għalhekk daħħalt il-backpack tiegħi taħt is-sedil ta’ quddiemi, fejn saqajja kellhom...
Norway's plan for a fleet of electric planes
By 2040, Norway has promised all of its short-haul flights will be on electric aircraft. It could revolutionise the airline industry.
The electric planes of the future
A number of aviation designers are building fully electric planes that cost less to build and are more efficient than traditional airplanes.
Supersonic without the boom
The effort to build an airplane with a quieter sonic boom could let ordinary passengers break the sound barrier again.
Gejjin ajruplani bla tieqa, u m’humiex ħżiena daqs kemm jinħass
Fast Company
L-Emirates qed tippjana li tagħmel it-twieqi virtwali n-norma fuq l-ajruplani futuri kollha tagħha – iżda biex tirnexxi, trid tibbilanċja UX kbira mal-effiċjenza loġistika.
A powerful new battery could give us electric planes that don’t pollute
Reviżjoni tat-Teknoloġija MIT
Brightly colored molecular models line two walls of Yet-Ming Chiang’s office at MIT. Chiang, a materials science professor and serial battery entrepreneur, has spent much of his career studying how slightly different arrangements of those sticks and spheres add up to radically different outcomes in energy storage. But he and his colleague, Venkat Viswanathan, are taking…
An electric plane with no moving parts has made its first flight
Reviżjoni tat-Teknoloġija MIT
Your typical jet plane is full of fast-moving blades. We need the spinning of turbines and propellers to create thrust and let us take to the skies. Or do we? In a paper out today in Nature, MIT researchers report that they have created and flown the first plane that doesn’t require any moving parts.…
Airline vows to switch to electric planes on short-haul routes by 2030
A UK-based budget airline announced this week that it is “moving fast” toward developing a fleet of electric planes.
The rise of 20-hour long flights
Wendover Productions
Ibni l-websajt tiegħek għal 10% off fuq to Half as Interesting (Il-kanal l-ieħor minn Wendover Productions): https://www....
Ir-rivoluzzjoni tal-ajruplani elettriċi tista 'tiġi aktar kmieni milli taħseb
Rapport Robb
Alice ta 'Eviation huwa ajruplan kollu elettriku, ta' disa 'persuni li jista' jgħin biex jissostitwixxi ajruplani tal-vjaġġi li jaħarqu fjuwils fossili.
Tinsa l-karozzi. Għandna bżonn ajruplani elettriċi.
It-tellieqa għaddejja biex jinbnew batteriji kbar biżżejjed biex l-ajruplani jtiru bl-elettriku nadif.
Boeing's radical wing design unveiled
US airframer Boeing says its new "transonic' wing design could improve airplane efficiency.
UK's air-breathing rocket engine set for key tests
Important tests lie ahead for the engine concept that could take a plane from London to Sydney in about four hours.
Hydrogen fuel test plane completes flights
Ċina Kuljum
An unmanned aircraft powered by hydrogen fuel finished 10 test flights recently, a concrete step by its developer the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China in exploring new energy aircraft.
The era of electric airplanes is here
A Norwegian company has placed a large order for 60 electric planes, expanding the order backlog of an American aircraft manufacturer.
Iċ-Ċina tara t-tnedija ta 'prototip ta' inġenju tal-ajru ċivili supersoniku fl-2035: inġinier anzjan
Times Globali
Iċ-Ċina qed tfittex li tiżviluppa inġenju tal-ajru ċivili supersoniku aħdar u prototip żviluppat b'mod indipendenti huwa mistenni li jitnieda madwar l-2035, qal inġinier anzjan tal-ajruplani.
Airbus’ new bird-plane hybrid is both fascinating and unsettling
Airbus unveiled a new concept airplane called "Bird of Prey," which seems fitting because this thing seems designed to prey on your deepest fears. The bird-like conceptual airline design features multiple propellors, a rudder branded with the Union Jack, and something called "feathered wings" which I can’t seem to unsee.
Air force recently tested record-setting highest thrust producing air-breathing hypersonic engine
Ġettijiet tal-ġlied Dinja
Air Force Recently Tested Record-Setting highest thrust producing air-breathing hypersonic engine
Ir-robot il-ġdid tal-forza tal-ajru jista’ jtajjar kwalunkwe ajruplan u jibdlu f’drone awtonomu
Inġenji tal-ajru bla ekwipaġġ huma l-futur tal-avjazzjoni militari, li jimminimizzaw ir-riskji għall-bdoti umani waqt missjonijiet perikolużi u operazzjonijiet perikolużi. Ajruplani awtonomi diġà ddaħħlu fis-servizz iżda l-US Air Force issa qed tittestja robot li jista’ jmexxi l-flotta eżistenti tal-ajruplani tal-militar, u jagħmel kull ajruplan awtonomu b’modifiki minimi.
NASA building supersonic plane that goes as fast as concorde – without the sound
Plane expected to make sound of a 'a gentle thump' if it can be heard at all
Il-futur tal-avjazzjoni se jkun aktar ekoloġiku u aktar mgħaġġel minn qatt qabel
Singularity Hub
Filwaqt li l-karozzi li jtajru għadhom jistgħu jwettqu l-wegħda ta’ żanżin madwar l-ibliet f’taxis tal-ajru robotiċi, il-futur tal-avjazzjoni kummerċjali mhux inqas tantalizing.
Air-breathing engine precooler achieves record-breaking Mach 5 performance
L-Aġenzija Spazjali Ewropea
UK company Reaction Engines has tested its innovative precooler at airflow temperature conditions equivalent to Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound. This achievement marks a significant milestone in its ESA-supported development of the air-breathing SABRE engine, paving the way for a revolution in space access and hypersonic flight.
A new opportunity for hydrogen is aviation
Aeronautics Online
Dr. Val Miftakhov is the CEO and founder at ZeroAvia; a company focused on hydrogen power for aviation. Despite all of the buzz around the long-distance zero-emission travel hydrogen could bring to our roads, Val argues the lack of adoption here has been because the focus of the hydrogen industry's efforts has focused on the…
Ġewwa t-terminal 4: Terminal ta' għada
National Geographic
Fl-2017, l-Ajruport ta 'Changi serva għoli ġdid ta' 62 miljun passiġġier. Sal-2030, qed tippjana li ġġib il-kapaċità tagħha għal aktar minn 150 miljun passiġġier. L-ewwel st...
Airbus unveils hydrogen designs for zero-emission flight
European planemaker Airbus SE unveiled three designs it’s studying to build hydrogen-powered aircraft as it races to bring a zero-carbon passenger plane into service by 2035.