remote employment growth trends

Remote employment growth trends

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Chifukwa chiyani tsogolo la ntchito liri kunyumba
Magazini ya Pacific Standard
Ngakhale kungoyang'ana mwachisawawa pa zotsatira za chikhalidwe cha anthu, chilengedwe, ndi zachuma zomwe zimabwera chifukwa chogwira ntchito kunyumba zimasonyeza kuti anthu ochulukirapo angathe ndipo ayenera kutero.
Kodi kukwera kwa ma telecommuting kumatanthauza chiyani pamagalimoto ndi zoyendera?
Ngati chizoloŵezicho chikupitirira, chimakhala ndi zotsatira zambiri.
Why “remote-first” is actually a dangerous mindset
About 1–2 years ago before I made the jump to join Owl Labs, I considered a substantial marketing role at a highly respected growth tech company. I’m not going to tell you who they are (because…
Why remote work matters
Alex Garella
Remote work is increasingly becoming more common in many industries. Here is why working remotely is the way of the future.
With remote work here to stay, it executives reassess tech priorities
The Wall Street Journal
Information technology leaders are preparing for an extended period of remote work, a process that involves signing up for some new workforce IT tools and culling others that seem superfluous.
When workers can live anywhere, many ask: why do I live here?
The Wall Street Journal
The coronavirus has prompted Americans to reassess the need to reside near hot job markets.
You can now attend VR meetings—no headset required
yikidwa mawaya
The virtual reality workspace startup is offering a free version for users. All you need a web browser.
Why holograms could replace conference calls
Nearly half of the US workforce is expected to work remotely by 2020 – but does the technology exist to support the trend?
11 essential tips for managing remote employees
Get Light House
Managing remote employees is very different than team members in an office. Here are 11 tips to help you in better managing remote teams.
Zomwe kugwira ntchito kutali kumatanthauza pa mapulani opuma a Baby Boomers
Ogwira ntchito ambiri akachoka muofesi, ma Baby Boomers ali ndi zinthu zatsopano zomwe ayenera kuziganizira akadzapuma pantchito.
Ndi manambala: Kodi kusalingana kwa malipiro kumawoneka bwanji kwa akazi muukadaulo
Ngakhale kuti akazi ambiri amalowa m'makampani opanga zamakono, kusiyana kwa malipiro kumapitirirabe. Ndikuwunika zomwe zapezedwa kuchokera ku lipoti laposachedwa la Hired pankhani ya kusalingana kwa malipiro muukadaulo.
Momwe ntchito yakutali imakhudzira antchito olumala
Ntchito yakutali imapangitsa kuti ntchito ikhale yofikirika kwa gulu limodzi losatetezedwa kwambiri ku America, ndipo potero, zimapita patsogolo kwambiri pothandizira ukadaulo wosiyanasiyana.
BMO ikuti 80% ya ogwira ntchito ake atha kusintha ntchito zophatikizika zamaofesi
Makhalidwe a Zamalonda
Bank idawunikidwanso mozama za mfundo zapantchito zitapeza kuti kukhala muofesi sikunali kofunikira kuti zinthu zitheke.
Cfos akuyang'ana kuti azigwira ntchito zakutali, kutumizirana matelefoni kokhazikika kutsatira covid-19, akutero kafukufuku wa gartner
ZD Net
Kusamukira ku ntchito yakutali kungakhale kokhazikika kuposa momwe mameneja ndi antchito ambiri amaganizira.
Dziko lonse lachoka mnyumbamo. Inshuwaransi imapangitsa ntchito yakutali kukhala yokhazikika m'maboma 5
Inshuwalansi Journal
Dziko lonse lati likukonzekera kusintha kwanthawi zonse kukhala njira yosakanizidwa yomwe imakhala yogwira ntchito kuchokera ku ofesi m'makampani anayi akuluakulu.
Beyond reskilling
A system that invests in workers’ long-term resilience can help build long-term organizational resilience in a world where the only constant is change.
The case for autonomous leadership in the remote workplace
Fast Company
While the temptation to monitor work-from-home employees is real, leaders who offer more freedom are having less trouble with the transition.