Fusion power plants: Inspiration from the sun to power our planet

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Fusion power plants: Inspiration from the sun to power our planet

Fusion power plants: Inspiration from the sun to power our planet

Subheading text
Fusion power plants represent a new era in clean energy production.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • January 3, 2022

    Insight summary

    Fusion energy, a sustainable and nearly limitless source of power, holds the potential to transform the global energy landscape. As this industry matures, it is expected to create millions of jobs worldwide, stimulate innovation in various fields, and provide a reliable power source for businesses, reducing their reliance on traditional energy sources. The advent of fusion power could also lead to significant geopolitical shifts, improve living standards in underdeveloped regions, and contribute to the fight against climate change by offering a low-carbon energy solution.

    Fusion power plants context

    Fusion energy promises to offer clean, continuous electricity to provide a foundation for more variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy. In addition, fusion energy has great potential as a source of near limitless and low-carbon energy, making it a sustainable source of power in a world that is slowly running low on fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas. Fusion is a nuclear process in which two or more atomic nuclei fuse to produce new nuclei and frequently subatomic particles. The nuclear force (which keeps protons and neutrons intact within the nucleus) interacts with the Coulomb force, causing repulsion between positively charged protons while fusing light elements and producing energy.

    Most of the significant physics problems surrounding fusion have been addressed due to decades of scientific development by the US and other nations. Likewise, the first reactor capable of achieving “burn” (self-sustaining fusion) is being built in southern France, with operations scheduled to commence later in the 2020s. This reactor is named ITER (Latin for “the way”), and it is the world’s most extensive fusion reactor experimentation.

    ITER is a significant multinational collaboration and aims to pursue sustainable fusion by using a tokamak, a doughnut-shaped metallic container surrounded by massive superconducting magnets. There are numerous smaller private sector projects also pursuing breakthroughs in fusion technology. Current (2021) timelines forecast breakthroughs with a functional proof-of-concept by the 2030s and widescale construction of fusion power plants internationally by the 2050s.

    Disruptive impact 

    As the fusion power industry matures, it may create new jobs, not just in the construction and operation of the plants themselves but also in ancillary sectors, such as manufacturing, logistics, and maintenance. This new industry will also stimulate innovation in materials science, engineering, and robotics, as these technologies will be crucial for the construction and operation of fusion power plants. Furthermore, the development of fusion power could also lead to the creation of new educational programs and training opportunities, preparing the workforce of the future for this emerging sector.

    Companies involved in the construction of fusion plants may benefit from significant investment and growth, while those manufacturing fusion plant components could see a surge in demand for their products. Moreover, the energy produced by fusion power plants could provide a reliable and cost-effective power source for businesses, reducing their reliance on traditional energy sources and potentially lowering their operational costs. This shift could be particularly beneficial for energy-intensive industries, such as manufacturing and data centers.

    Governments may need to develop new regulations and safety standards for the construction and operation of fusion power plants. They may also invest in infrastructure to support the fusion power industry, such as power grids capable of handling the energy produced by fusion plants. Furthermore, the advent of fusion power could also influence foreign policy as countries with fusion power capabilities could become energy exporters, altering global energy dynamics.

    Implications of fusion power plants

    Wider implications of fusion power may include: 

    • Millions of jobs worldwide during the multi-decade construction of fusion power plants and their maintenance after they become operational.
    • A near-infinite, low-carbon energy source, making it easier for industries to adapt in a world where global warming becomes a significant threat. 
    • Economically powering carbon extraction plants worldwide that pull carbon from the atmosphere in an effort to slow the effects of climate change. 
    • Disrupting most of the world’s existing forms of electricity generation. 
    • A significant reduction in energy poverty, improving living standards and stimulating economic growth in underdeveloped regions.
    • Countries with fusion power capabilities gaining significant influence on the global stage, leading to new alliances and power dynamics.
    • Regions with fusion power plants experiencing population growth due to increased job opportunities and improved living conditions.
    • Innovation in materials science, robotics, and artificial intelligence leading to breakthroughs that could benefit other sectors of the economy.

    Questions to consider

    • Do you think it will be economically feasible to replace existing power plants with fusion power plants?
    • What safety hazards do you think will arise as a result of adopting fusion energy?

    Insight references

    The following popular and institutional links were referenced for this insight: