Healthcare chatbots: Automating patient management

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Healthcare chatbots: Automating patient management

Healthcare chatbots: Automating patient management

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The pandemic escalated the development of chatbot technology, which proved just how valuable virtual assistants are in healthcare.
    • Author:
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      Quantumrun Foresight
    • March 16, 2023

    Chatbot technology has existed since 2016, but the 2020 pandemic made healthcare institutions accelerate their deployment of virtual assistants. This acceleration was due to increased demand for remote patient care. Chatbots proved successful for healthcare institutions as they improved patient engagement, provided personalized care, and reduced the burden on healthcare workers.

    Healthcare chatbots context

    Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversations using natural language processing (NLP). The development of chatbot technology accelerated in 2016 when Microsoft released its Microsoft Bot Framework and an improved version of its digital assistant, Cortana. During this time, Facebook also heavily integrated an AI assistant in its Messenger platform to help users find information, pull up updated information, and guide them on the next steps. 

    In the healthcare sector, chatbots are embedded in websites and apps to provide a range of services, including customer support, appointment scheduling, and personalized care. At the height of the pandemic, clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations were inundated with thousands of calls looking for information and updates. This trend resulted in long wait times, overwhelmed staff, and decreased patient satisfaction. Chatbots proved reliable and tireless by handling repetitive queries, providing information about the virus, and assisting patients with appointment scheduling. By automating these routine tasks, healthcare institutions could focus on delivering more complex care and managing critical situations. 

    Chatbots can screen patients for symptoms and provide triage guidance based on their risk factors. This tactic helps hospitals to prioritize and manage patients more effectively. These tools can also facilitate virtual consultations between doctors and patients, reducing the need for in-person visits and minimizing the risk of infection.

    Disruptive impact

    A 2020-2021 University of Georgia study on how 30 countries used chatbots during the pandemic showed its massive potential within healthcare. Chatbots were able to manage thousands of similar questions from different users, providing timely information and accurate updates, which freed up human agents to handle more complex tasks or queries. This feature allowed healthcare workers to focus on critical tasks, such as treating patients and managing hospital resources, which ultimately improved the quality of care for patients.

    Chatbots helped hospitals to manage the influx of patients by providing a fast and efficient screening process to determine which patients needed immediate medical attention. This approach prevented patients with mild symptoms from exposing other patients in emergency rooms. Furthermore, some bots collected data to determine hotspots, which can be viewed in real-time on contract tracing apps. This tool allowed healthcare providers to prepare and respond proactively.

    As the vaccines became available, chatbots helped callers schedule appointments and locate the nearest open clinic, which sped up the vaccination process. Finally, chatbots were also utilized as a centralized communication platform to connect doctors and nurses to their respective health ministries. This method streamlined communication, sped up the dissemination of vital information, and helped to deploy healthcare workers quickly. Researchers are optimistic that as the technology develops, healthcare chatbots will become even more streamlined, user-friendly, and sophisticated. They will be more adept at understanding natural language and responding appropriately. 

    Applications of healthcare chatbots

    Potential applications of healthcare chatbots may include:

    • Diagnostics for common illnesses, such as colds and allergies, freeing up doctors and nurses to handle more complicated symptoms. 
    • Chatbots using patient records to manage healthcare needs, such as follow-up appointments or re-filling prescriptions.
    • Personalized patient engagement, providing them with the information and support they need to manage their health effectively. 
    • Healthcare providers remotely monitoring patients, which can be especially useful for people with chronic conditions or those who live in rural areas. 
    • Chatbots providing mental health support and counseling, which can improve access to care for people who may not otherwise seek it. 
    • Bots helping patients manage chronic diseases by reminding them to take their medication, providing information on managing symptoms, and tracking their progress over time. 
    • The public having access to information on healthcare topics, such as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, which can help improve health literacy and reduce disparities in access to care.
    • Healthcare providers analyzing patient data in real-time, which can improve diagnosis and treatment. 
    • Patients having access to health insurance options to help them navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. 
    • Chatbots providing support for elderly patients, such as by reminding them to take medication or providing them with companionship. 
    • Bots helping track disease outbreaks and provide early warnings for potential public health threats. 

    Questions to consider

    • Did you use a healthcare chatbot during the pandemic? What was your experience?
    • What are the other benefits of having chatbots in healthcare?

    Insight references

    The following popular and institutional links were referenced for this insight: