poland predictions for 2025

Read 11 predictions about Poland in 2025, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Poland in 2025

International relations predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

Politics predictions for Poland in 2025

Politics related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • The Baltic nations, Poland, and the European Commission synchronize the region’s electricity network with the rest of continental Europe by this year. Likelihood: 80 Percent1

Government predictions for Poland in 2025

Government related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

Economy predictions for Poland in 2025

Economy related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

Technology predictions for Poland in 2025

Technology related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • Due to development in EU power grids, Poland’s imports of energy from other countries increase to 4,000 MW by this year, up from 1,500 MW per hour in 2019. Likelihood: 80 Percent1

Culture predictions for Poland in 2025

Culture related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

Defense predictions for in 2025

Defense related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • Warsaw's military modernization sees the deliveries of 250 M1A21 SEPv3 Abrams tanks worth USD $4.7 billion. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Poland’s regular armed forces have grown to 200,000 this year, up from ~130,000 in 2018. Likelihood: 75 Percent1
  • Poland purchases its first 5th-generation fighter jets this year. Likelihood: 90 Percent1

Infrastructure predictions for Poland in 2025

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • Poland adds 14.36 gigawatts of new solar energy by the end of the year. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Post-2025 auction boost sees 12 gigawatts of additional offshore wind power. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • The total installed solar photovoltaic capacity reaches nearly 27 gigawatts. Likelihood: 65 percent.1
  • Orange Polska deactivates the 3G network in the Slupsk and Koszalin regions. Likelihood: 70 percent.1

Environment predictions for Poland in 2025

Environment related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • Poland’s total installed solar capacity increases to 7.8 GW this year, increasing from 1.5 GW in 2019. Likelihood: 90 Percent1

Science predictions for Poland in 2025

Science related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

Health predictions for Poland in 2025

Health related predictions to impact Poland in 2025 include:

  • Poland’s healthcare spending increases to 6 percent of GDP this year, up from 4.7 percent in 2017. Likelihood: 90 Percent1

More predictions from 2025

Read the top global predictions from 2025 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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