sweden predictions for 2035

Read 13 predictions about Sweden in 2035, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Sweden in 2035

International relations predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Politics predictions for Sweden in 2035

Politics related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Government predictions for Sweden in 2035

Government related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Economy predictions for Sweden in 2035

Economy related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Technology predictions for Sweden in 2035

Technology related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Culture predictions for Sweden in 2035

Culture related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

  • Sweden's population grows to 12 million by this year, up from 10.23 million in 2019. Likelihood: 80 Percent1
  • SJ builds on domestic growth with international ambitions.Link

Defense predictions for in 2035

Defense related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

  • Sweden's Armed Forces boost staff numbers to around 120,000 people by this year, up from 50,000 people in 2018. Likelihood: 100 Percent1
  • The total defense budget of Sweden increases to around 115 billion kronor a year by this year, up from 53 billion kronor ($6.5 billion) a year in 2018. Likelihood: 100 Percent1
  • Sweden's armed forces want to double defence budget by 2035.Link

Infrastructure predictions for Sweden in 2035

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

  • By this year, 20 percent of road transports in Sweden to is made with the T-Pod, an all-electric, autonomous, and windowless cargo hauler. Likelihood: 80 Percent1
  • Construction on the Øresundsmetro, a 22.1-km (13.7-mile) tunnel from København H to Malmö C with five stations, which cost €4 billion (US$4.68 billion, including a 50 percent risk premium), opens this year. Likelihood: 75 Percent1
  • Swedish-Danish metro project moves beyond dream stage.Link
  • Einride T-pod self-driving truck starts its runs on public road for DB schenker.Link

Environment predictions for Sweden in 2035

Environment related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

  • Stockholm Data Parks generate enough heat to meet 10% of Stockholm's heating needs by this year. Likelihood: 75 Percent1
  • Municipal waste recycling in Sweden increases to target 65% by this year, up from 44 % in 2018. Likelihood: 60 Percent1
  • Circular economy: More recycling of household waste, less landfilling.Link
  • The city where the internet warms people’s homes.Link

Science predictions for Sweden in 2035

Science related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

Health predictions for Sweden in 2035

Health related predictions to impact Sweden in 2035 include:

More predictions from 2035

Read the top global predictions from 2035 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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