turkey predictions for 2045

Read 7 predictions about Turkey in 2045, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Turkey in 2045

International relations predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Politics predictions for Turkey in 2045

Politics related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Government predictions for Turkey in 2045

Government related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Economy predictions for Turkey in 2045

Economy related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Technology predictions for Turkey in 2045

Technology related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Culture predictions for Turkey in 2045

Culture related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Defense predictions for in 2045

Defense related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Infrastructure predictions for Turkey in 2045

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Environment predictions for Turkey in 2045

Environment related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

  • Rainfall increases are expected in winter in regions besides the Coastal Mediterranean, Southeastern Anatolia, and the South of Eastern Anatolia. In spring, approximately 20% rainfall decreases are expected across the country except the Coastal Aegean and Northern-Eastern Anatolia. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • Roughly a 50% precipitation decrease occurs in the summer months across Turkey, specifically in Eastern Anatolia, except the Aegean, Marmara, and Western and Eastern Black Sea. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • During the winter, precipitation decreases in the Central and Eastern Black Sea, and Southeastern Anatolia Regions and increases in other regions, specifically in the Central and the Eastern Black Sea coasts. In spring, approximately 20% rainfall decreases are expected in areas other than the Coastal Aegean, the western part of the Central Black Sea, and the Eastern Black Sea. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • In autumn precipitations, decreases up to 50% are projected throughout Turkey besides the Marmara coasts. In summer, while precipitation increases are expected in the Marmara and Western Black Sea Regions, a precipitation decrease could occur in the Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolia. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • Water resources needed for food production and rural development are threatened by climate change impacts, such as an increase in summer temperatures, a decrease in winter precipitation (in western provinces in particular), a loss of surface waters, an increase in the frequency of droughts, land degradation, coastal erosion, and floods. Likelihood: 50 percent1
  • Considering land-based food production, Turkey is not projected to face severe food insecurity. Likelihood: 50 percent1

Science predictions for Turkey in 2045

Science related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

Health predictions for Turkey in 2045

Health related predictions to impact Turkey in 2045 include:

  • Turkey ranks 10th in the world this year among countries with the most diabetes patients. Likelihood: 80 Percent1

More predictions from 2045

Read the top global predictions from 2045 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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