What are the guidelines to contribute content to the platform

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  • What are the guidelines to contribute content to the platform

The following is an overview of the editorial expectations Quantumrun has for each type of content it promotes on its platform. These same expectations are shared with QR writers and with anybody who submits content to the QR Platform to publish.

Important notes

For platform users associated with a paid company account, any content you upload to the platform will default to private and will only be visible to you and your colleagues operating under the same company account.

If you decide to make one or more of your content uploads public, that content will first be moderated by Quantumrun staff before becoming visible to all platform users.

Link sharing guidelines

Did you find an interesting article or resource link/URL about an innovation, trend, or forecast that you would like to share with Quantumrun readers?

Please share this link with our community by filling in the required fields.

To ensure your link is not flagged for removal, please review the following editorial guidelines.

  • Discuss trends: Regardless of the industry or topic, the link shared should discuss trends or innovations related to the future of said industry or topic.
  • Quality: Please share links to articles or blogs that are well written and include claims or forecasts that are well reasoned and communicated.
  • Avoid duplicate links: If a link has already been published, the system will auto-reject it.
  • Reputable: Please share links from reasonably reputable news sources or from bloggers/journalists with good reputations. ‘Reputable’ can be hard to define, so do your best.
  • No illegal or problematic content: If you need to know what this means, please read our content policy and related links here.
  • No spam: For black hat SEO marketers, please know that we set these links to ‘no-follow’ and will delete links that are later found to be link spam.
  • Report problematic content: We’re human. On occasion, our moderators may approve content in error. If you find examples of such content, please report it by contacting us here.

Insight posts – Editorial

Interested in sharing an insight, forecast, or prediction about emerging or future trends? Quantumrun welcomes public article submissions!

Simply fill the required fields in the post editor here.

All articles submitted to Quantumrun will be reviewed before being published. To make sure your article is published, please review the following editorial guidelines.

  • Be creative: Our editors encourage unique writing styles and unique perspectives or interpretations of future trends and their impact on the world.
  • Be structured: Help readers follow your forecast easily by following this simple formula:
    • Explain the current state of the topic you are focusing on (subject).
    • Explain the influencing force that is colliding with this topic (emerging trend).
    • Predict how this influencing force might shape the future of the topic (forecast).
    • Ask the reader for their impressions of your forecast (community engagement).
  • No old forecasts: If your forecast is set to happen between the current date and six months from now, then it’s considered “old news” as far as Quantumrun is concerned. Please only submit content that forecasts trends and events that will impact a profession, sector, country, or the world, over a longer-term horizon, i.e. 6-12 months, one to five years, 10 to 20 years, etc.
  • No betting: No predictions about political election results or quarterly stock price predictions of a particular company or bets on a specific sports team’s performance. There are lots of other websites that specialize in those kinds of specialized near-term forecasts; at Quantumrun, we prefer longer-term forecasts that cover larger themes.
  • Length: Minimum 400-600 words long.
  • Cite your stats: If you mention any specific fact, figure, statistic, or direct quote, please add a hyperlink to where these points were sourced.
  • Avoid plagiarization: Our editors will only help cite your forecasts if you include all your sources in the references section of the editor form below. But to improve your odds of being published, try first to paraphrase or summarize their points from other websites/authors (MLA style is fine). Use quotation marks when copying entire sentences or paragraphs. Further tips can be found here.
  • Republishing: We accept forecasts first published in other websites as long as (1) you are the original author of that forecast, (2) you have the right to republish your work, and (3) you give us the right to republish your work on Quantumrun.com permanently.
  • No problematic content: Please read our content policy here to be clear about the type of language and content we do not encourage or permit on this platform.
  • No copyrighted content: Do not copy articles from other publishers unless you are the owner of that article and/or you have permission to republish to the Quantumrun website. If published elsewhere, please link to the original article at the top of the article.
  • Shared publishing rights: You agree to share and permanently publish your work on Quantumrun.com. You also agree to our publishing terms, which you can read here.

General users making Lists public

At any time, registered users are welcome to make their curated trend Lists public and accessible to all Quantumrun.com visitors.

However, if you’re interested in making your List to be eligible for promotion on the Quantumrun website (i.e. featured on our homepage and searchable on our website overall) we encourage you to consider these pointers:

  • Uniqueness: If your List is very similar in its description and content to previously published Lists, then that may impact your List’s moderation decision. One exception is if your List includes curated content that is considerably NEWER or contains a greater VOLUME of quality links compared to existing Lists.
  • Quality: If you curate links external to Quantumrun.com, then please ensure you’re linking to reputable authors, publications, or organizations.
  • Focus: If your List is too general in its focus, that may impact your List’s moderation decision. Try to focus your List on emerging trends related to a specific field, industry, topic, geography, niche, etc.
  • No-follow links: To avoid SEO spamming, all external links that you add to the List will be ‘no-follow’ by default. For people who are not advanced web marketers, don’t worry about this.
  • No problematic content: Please read our content policy here to be clear about the type of language and content we do not encourage or permit on this platform.
  • No edits: Once your List is approved by our moderators and set to ‘Public,’ you will lose your ability to add content to your List, so be sure you have built your List up to a good state before sharing it with the wider Quantumrun community.

All Lists that are set to ‘Public’ are automatically sent to our moderators for review.

If your List catches our eye, we’ll email you and promote it on our homepage. If not, then the List will still be available to you and anyone you directly share it with.

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