Foresight workshops
Train employees in foresight methods and practices
Quantumrun Foresight’s webinars, workshops, and facilitation offerings will give your employees the mental frameworks and techniques to enhance their long-term strategic thinking, generate new business ideas, and develop competitive advantages.
We offer the option of selecting from:
Off-the-shelf virtual webinars | Perfect for limited budgets and one-hour lunch-and-learns.
Workshop and advisory | Perfect for organizations with the budget to explore customized engagements (in-person or online) designed to educate or solve a pressing business challenge.

Virtual webinars | 1-hour off-the-self options

Introduction to strategic foresight
Live webinar covering an overview of the strategic foresight field, why organizations increasingly use foresight, some common foresight methods, and best approaches to introducing foresight into your organization. Q&A included.

Quarterly trend update
Live webinar presenting a high-level overview of the top industry trends Quantumrun has been reporting on over the previous three months. Q&A included.
Building a 100-year company
Live webinar covering the 23 factors Quantumrun reviews in its Corporate Longevity Assessment to help companies discover whether they will last until 2030 and beyond. Includes practical tips companies can apply to become more resilient to change.

Scenario building: The step-by-step guide
Live webinar explaining the step-by-step process of running an effective strategic foresight scenario modeling exercise designed to identify actionable strategies for success in these future environments.
Signals scanning best practices
Live webinar that shares Quantumrun's best practices for signal scanning / horizon scanning, a foundational activity required for all foresight and innovation research projects.

Selecting the right foresight methodology
This Q&A format will see the presenter listen to your organization's current business challenge and then suggest one or more foresight methodologies best suited to solve it.
Custom workshop services
Quantumrun Foresight’s training approach follows these three steps:
1. Tell us your business challenge;
2. We match this challenge with the foresight methods best suited to solve it;
3. We then train your team on those foresight methods.
This training is delivered through a diverse range of customized workshop, facilitation, and speaker services to support your organization’s worker education and event-building needs.
For every workshop seminar and facilitation engagement listed below, Quantumrun foresight recommends an in-person experience to enhance the learning experience and encourage lasting team and organizational change.
Discussion with your executives to answer specific questions on a topic, project or subject of choice. Virtual | 60 mins
In-depth review of a specific document with written or verbal follow-up. Includes review time and written response or a follow-up review call. Virtual | 120 mins
One-to-one coaching and mentoring session between an executive and the selected speaker. Topics are mutually agreed upon. Onsite or virtual | 60 mins
Using serious games in foresight practice (sometimes called “futures games”) is highly beneficial and practical. These games leverage fun and entertainment to facilitate learning and engagement with future scenarios. The best futures games are highly participatory and easily replicable in workshop settings, in person and online. Their use is diverse and ranges from encouraging a foresight mindset to uncovering detrimental organizational assumptions about how the future will unfold, to simulating strategies in future scenarios. Full day & Half day options
A presentation for your internal team based on a mutually agreed topic with content supplied by the speaker. This format is designed specifically for internal team meetings. Maximum 25 participants. Virtual | 60 mins
The most in-depth of our educational offerings, Quantumrun workshops allow a more thorough exploration of how your organization can effectively adapt to future trends. Training will be highly customized to your organizational needs and goals, and breakout sessions will allow for small group discussions and to practice pre-selected foresight methodologies. Participants will emerge with a new skill set to help your organization be more responsive to future threats and opportunities. Full day & Half day options
Webinar presentation for your team members on a mutually agreed topic, including question time. Internal replay rights included. Maximum 100 participants. Virtual | 120 mins
Webinar presentation for your team and external attendees on a mutually agreed topic. Question time and external replay rights included. Maximum 500 participants. Virtual | 120 mins
Keynote or speaking engagement for your corporate event. Topic and content can be customized to event themes. Includes one-on-one question time and participation in other event sessions if required. Onsite or virtual | Full day
Learn more about Quantumrun Foresight’s featured network of speakers and workshop facilitators that can support your organization’s educational objectives.