Publishing an Insight post

Interested in sharing an insight, forecast, or prediction about emerging trends? Or perhaps your team would like to upload internal company insights or reports to the platform to centralize your trend research. Simply fill in the required fields in the post editor below.

Note: All articles added to the Quantumrun platform will default to PRIVATE and will be visible only to you and other platform users associated with your company account.

To publish an insight post to the platform, please follow these steps:

  1. First, log into your Quantumrun Foresight Platform account.
  2. Open the ‘Share a forecast’ page: click here.
  3. Fill in all of the required fields, including the article content you want to contribute.
  4. Once the fields have been filled in, click on the “PUBLISH FORECAST” button to complete the process.


Publishing a post as a general platform user

Even if you do not belong to an Enterprise or Business account, Quantumrun Foresight encourages platform users to contribute insight articles to the platform.

Contributions from these platform users are moderated by Quantumrun editors prior to publication. To optimize your odds of your submission passing our moderation process, we encourage platform users to read our editorial guidelines: click here.

You will be notified in a few days’ time if your article has been approved for publication.

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