artificial intelligence trends

Artificial intelligence trends

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Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf:

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When humanity meets A.I.
Soundcloud - a16z
Stream a16z Podcast: When Humanity Meets A.I. by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
Mae dysgu peiriant yn gwneud pesto hyd yn oed yn fwy blasus
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Beth sy'n gwneud basil mor dda? Mewn rhai achosion, AI ydyw. Mae dysgu peirianyddol wedi'i ddefnyddio i greu planhigion basil sy'n hynod flasus. Er na allwn, yn anffodus, adrodd yn uniongyrchol ar flas y perlysiau, mae'r ymdrech yn adlewyrchu tuedd ehangach sy'n cynnwys defnyddio gwyddor data a dysgu peiriannau i wella amaethyddiaeth. Defnyddiodd yr ymchwilwyr y tu ôl i'r basil wedi'i optimeiddio gan AI…
Pan fydd AI yn llywio tractorau: Sut mae ffermwyr yn defnyddio dronau a data i dorri costau
Mae Hummingbird Technologies yn troi lluniau o gaeau yn gyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer tractorau, ac yn dweud y gall dorri costau ffermio cymaint â 10%.
How India’s data labellers are powering the global AI race
Factor Daily
As the first generation of such work that was mainly crowdsourced gave way to more advanced requirements, companies such as Infolks, iMerit and Playment have come up catering to global clients and making India an emerging hub for data labelling and annotation work.
Chwyldro IoT trwy AI: pam maen nhw'n berffaith gyda'i gilydd
IoT i Bawb
Mae IoT For All yn blatfform cyfryngau technoleg blaenllaw sy'n ymroddedig i ddarparu cynnwys, adnoddau a newyddion diduedd o'r ansawdd uchaf sy'n canolbwyntio ar Rhyngrwyd Pethau a disgyblaethau cysylltiedig.
Intel: New chip materials will enable massive AI research gains
Beat Venture
Intel VP and CTO of AI products Amir Khosrowshahi and general manager of IoT Jonathan Ballon shared thoughts about AI at VentureBeat's Transform conference.
The AI chip landscape in 2019
Buddsoddi ARK
With competition heating up in the AI chip market, ARK was invited to present on the state of AI hardware at CogX 2019. The summary is here.
A style-based generator architecture for generative adversarial networks
YouTube - Tero Karras FI
Paper (PDF): Karras (NVIDIA)Samuli Laine (NVIDIA)Timo Aila (NVIDIA)Abstract:We propose an alternative generator architec...
[DataGrid] Model AI cynhyrchu
Youtube - 株式会社データグリッド
ディープラーニングを応用したGAN).像度 (1024×1024) Rydym wedi llwyddo i gynhyrchu cydraniad uchel (1024×1024 ) delweddau o'r corff cyfan...
10 Companies using machine learning in cool ways
If science-fiction movies have taught us anything, it’s that the future is a bleak and terrifying dystopia ruled by murderous sentient robots. Fortunately, only one of these things is true — but that…
Automated machine learning and the democratization of insights
The predictive insights organizations can gain from the oceans of data they generate are currently limited by the availability of experts who can crunch this data. Automation may change that.
Inside the artificial intelligence revolution: A special report, Pt. 1
Rolling Stone
An in-depth report on Artificial Intelligence: Are we on the verge of creating a new life-form – or something much darker?
Inside the artificial intelligence revolution: A special report, Pt. 2
Rolling Stone
Part two of our in-depth report on artificial intelligence, which looks at self-driving cars, and war and surgery outsourced to robots.
Silicon Valley looks to artificial intelligence for the next big thing
New York Times
Tech’s new architecture melds large computing clouds and artificial intelligence to create efficient computing resources and data-based businesses.
How Google plans to solve artificial intelligence
Adolygu Technoleg
Padded walls, gloomy lighting, and a ceiling with floral wallpaper. It doesn’t look like a place to make groundbreaking discoveries that change the trajectory of society. But in these simulated, claustrophobic corridors, Demis Hassabis thinks he can lay the foundations for software that’s smart enough to solve humanity’s biggest problems. “Our goal’s very big,” says…
How AI is feeding China’s internet dragon
Adolygu Technoleg
Shortly after walking through the front doors of Baidu in Beijing last November, I was surprised to notice that my face had transformed into that of a cheerful-­looking little dog. As I chatted with one of Baidu’s AI researchers, the version of me shown on his smartphone had sprouted a very realistic-looking wet snout, fluffy…
The wrong cognitive measuring stick
In 1950, the brilliant mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing began his seminal paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” with a simple query:...
Ethics and artificialintelligence: The moral compass of a machine
The question of robotic ethics is making everyone tense.
Y tu mewn i OpenAI, mae cynllun gwyllt Elon Musk i ryddhau deallusrwydd artiffisial
Mae OpenAI eisiau rhoi technoleg fwyaf trawsnewidiol yr 21ain ganrif i ffwrdd. Yn y broses, gallai ail-wneud y ffordd y mae pobl yn gwneud technoleg.
Ni all unrhyw ddiwydiant fforddio anwybyddu deallusrwydd artiffisial
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Chwe deg mlynedd yn ôl yr haf hwn, sefydlodd pedwar athro cyfrifiadureg brosiect haf gyda'r nod o greu “deallusrwydd artiffisial” - y tro cyntaf erioed i'r ymadrodd hwn gael ei ddefnyddio. Y gobaith oedd darganfod sut i wneud i beiriannau ddefnyddio iaith a pherfformio meddwl haniaethol. “Rydym yn meddwl y gellir gwneud cynnydd sylweddol os bydd grŵp a ddewisir yn ofalus…
Podcast: Innovation vs. invention at Google I/O
Soundcloud - a16z
Stream a16z Podcast: Innovation vs. Invention at Google I/O by a16z from desktop or your mobile device
Sam Harris ar AI (gan Joe Rogan Experience #804)
YouTube - JRE pwerus
Mwynhewch y fideos a'r gerddoriaeth rydych chi'n eu caru, uwchlwythwch gynnwys gwreiddiol, a rhannwch y cyfan gyda ffrindiau, teulu, a'r byd ar YouTube.
Cynnydd meddalwedd hunan-ddysgu
I predict that in 10 years, every new enterprise application will be self-learning at its core.
Sut y gall gwyddoniaeth ein helpu i wneud AI yn llai iasol ac yn fwy dibynadwy
Mae'r Sgwrs
The rise of online 'chatbots' shows how artificial intelligence is becoming a part of daily life. But how do you stop them talking like a really bad PA?
Will machines eliminate us?
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Yoshua Bengio leads one of the world’s preëminent research groups developing a powerful AI technique known as deep learning. The startling capabilities that deep learning has given computers in recent years, from human-level voice recognition and image classification to basic conversational skills, have prompted warnings about the progress AI is making toward matching, or perhaps…
Mae AI eisiau bod yn frawd i chi, nid yn elyn i chi
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Mae'r siawns y bydd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn caethiwo neu'n dileu dynolryw o fewn y degawd neu ddau nesaf yn brin, diolch byth. Felly yn cloi adroddiad mawr gan Brifysgol Stanford ar oblygiadau cymdeithasol ac economaidd deallusrwydd artiffisial. Ar yr un pryd, fodd bynnag, mae'r adroddiad yn dod i'r casgliad bod AI yn edrych yn sicr o draul agweddau enfawr ar fywyd bob dydd,…
Is Artificial Intelligence permanently inscrutable?
Mae Nautilus yn fath gwahanol o gylchgrawn gwyddoniaeth. Rydym yn cyflwyno gwyddor darlun mawr trwy adrodd ar un pwnc misol o safbwyntiau lluosog. Darllenwch bennod newydd yn y stori bob dydd Iau.
2016 Adroddiad
Welcome to the 2016 Report Download Full Report in PDF Browse report online by clicking on section headings in the ‘2016 Report' box to the left.
Mae meddalwedd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn ffynnu. Ond pam nawr?
New York Times
Wrth i G.E., Oracle, ac eraill wthio eu A.I. cynhyrchion, mae'n parhau i fod yn aneglur a yw darpar gwsmeriaid yn deall sut y byddant yn gwneud elw.
Creative blocks
The very laws of physics imply that artificial intelligence must be possible. What’s holding us up?
IBM Watson CTO: Gallai cyfrifiadura cwantwm ddatblygu deallusrwydd artiffisial yn ôl trefn maint
Amseroedd Busnes Rhyngwladol
CTO of IBM Watson speaks of \'natural synergy\' between cognitive computing and quantum computing.
Dadrysu AI, ML, DL gyda Vishal Sikka ac enghreifftiau o'r byd go iawn
Mae dadansoddi'r hype marchnata o amgylch AI yn hanfodol bwysig i ddeall a gosod disgwyliadau'r maes hwn sy'n newid yn gyflym. Mae gan Vishal Sikka gymwysterau unigryw i drafod siâp y sgyrsiau ar y pwnc hwn.
President Barack Obama on what AI means for National Security
YouTube - Wired
WIRED guest editor President Barack Obama, WIRED editor in chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito discuss the challenges of cyber security in ...
President Barack Obama on how artificial intelligence will affect jobs
YouTube - Wired
WIRED guest editor President Barack Obama, WIRED editor in chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito discuss how artificial intelligence might up...
Mae yna fan dall mewn ymchwil AI
Fears about the future impacts of artificial intelligence are distracting researchers from the real risks of deployed systems, argue Kate Crawford and Ryan Calo.
Exotica ymwybodol
From algorithms to aliens, could humans ever understand minds that are radically unlike our own?
Deallusrwydd Artiffisial: Ydyn ni'n peirianneg ein darfodiad ein hunain?
Cudd-wybodaeth Squared
Want to join the debate? Check out the Intelligence Squared website to hear about future live events and podcasts: _______...
The state of Artificial Intelligence: Andrew Moore, Stuart Russell.
Fforwm Economaidd y Byd
How close are technologies to simulating or overtaking human intelligence and what are the implications for industry and society?Speakers:-Matthew Grob, Exec...
Probabilistic Computing takes Artificial Intelligence to the next step
By Dr. Michael Mayberry The potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has never been greater — but we’ll only be successful if AI can deliver
Peiriannau ymwybodol
imgur — Techemergence
DeepMind a Blizzard i ryddhau StarCraft II fel amgylchedd ymchwil AI
Deep Mind

Today at BlizzCon 2016 in Anaheim, California, we announced our collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment to open up StarCraft II to AI and Machine Learning researchers around the world.

Moeseg deallusrwydd artiffisial
A framework for thinking about AI.
Mathau o AI
Computing advances have fueled the evolution of AI. Here's a look at the 4 types of artificial intelligence.
Global ethics forum: The pros, cons, and ethical dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence
YouTube - Cyngor Carnegie dros Moeseg mewn Materion Rhyngwladol
From driverless cars to lethal autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence will soon confront societies with new and complex ethical challenges, says Yale's ...
Sut y gallai ymagwedd hollol wahanol Japan at AI arwain at dechnoleg newydd wyllt
Mae car NeuV "deallus emosiynol" Honda yn amlygu athroniaeth unigryw Japan o ran deallusrwydd artiffisial.
Y deffroad mawr AI
New York Times
Sut y defnyddiodd Google ddeallusrwydd artiffisial i drawsnewid Google Translate, un o'i wasanaethau mwy poblogaidd - a sut mae dysgu peiriannau ar fin ailddyfeisio cyfrifiaduron ei hun.
Cyn bo hir byddwn yn gallu darllen meddyliau a rhannu ein meddyliau
New Scientist
Mae capiau EEG sy'n monitro gweithgaredd yr ymennydd yn ein galluogi i anfon meddyliau at ein gilydd yn uniongyrchol - technoleg a allai helpu pobl sydd wedi'u parlysu i adennill symudiad
Abusing Dolores
Sam harris
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Paul Bloom about empathy, meditation studies, morality, AI, Westworld, Donald Trump, free will, rationality, conspiracy thinking, and other topics.
Can we balance human ethics with artificial intelligence?
You are driving along and your car's brakes suddenly fail. If it swerves to the left, three old men and two elderly women will die. If the...
Google's AI has learned to become "Highly Aggressive" in stressful situations
Rhybudd Gwyddoniaeth

We've all seen the Terminator movies, and the apocalyptic nightmare that the self-aware AI system, Skynet, wrought upon humanity.
Sut y bydd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn newid popeth
Wall Street Journal
Dywed Andrew Ng o Baidu a Neil Jacobstein o Singularity y tro hwn, mae'r hype am ddeallusrwydd artiffisial yn real.
Elon Musk Nick Bostrom Uwch-ddealltwriaeth Ray Kurzweil
YouTube - FiveSenseReality
Elon Musk and other panellists talk AI and answer the question: “If we succeed in building human-level Artificial general intelligence (AGI), then what are t...
Wiki bots that feud for years highlight the troubled future of AI
The behavior of bots is often unpredictable and sometimes leads them to produce errors over and over again in a potentially infinite feedback loop.
A all AI byth fod mor chwilfrydig â bodau dynol?
Harvard Adolygiad Busnes
Ni allwn raglennu eiliadau “aha”.
A.I. is progressing faster than you think!
YouTube - ColdFusion
Was hacked, I'll have to rewrite this later. Sources:
The dark secret at the heart of AI
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Last year, a strange self-driving car was released onto the quiet roads of Monmouth County, New Jersey. The experimental vehicle, developed by researchers at the chip maker Nvidia, didn’t look different from other autonomous cars, but it was unlike anything demonstrated by Google, Tesla, or General Motors, and it showed the rising power of artificial…
Google’s DeepMind is teaching AI how to think like a human
Is - Motherboard
If we’re ever going to create general AI, we need to teach it to think like us.
Y bygythiad gwirioneddol o ddeallusrwydd artiffisial
New York Times
Nid overlords robotiaid mohono. Mae'n anghydraddoldeb economaidd ac yn drefn fyd-eang newydd.
Os ydych chi'n meddwl bod AI yn frawychus, arhoswch nes bod ganddo ymennydd cyfrifiadur cwantwm
Y We Nesaf
The next major advancement in quantum computing is, of course, artificial intelligence. A startup recently created a quantum machine learning algorithm.
Mae AI gwirioneddol greadigol rownd y gornel. Dyma pam mae hynny'n fargen fawr
Tueddiadau digidol
Mae'r mater a yw A.I. Gall fod yn greadigol ymhlith cwestiynau pwysicaf y maes mewn gwirionedd. Dyma pam.
28 ffordd y bydd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn effeithio ar eich busnes a'ch bywyd yn 2018
Huffington Post
Gan Katie Lundin, Gwasanaeth Cwsmer Wonder Gal yn crowdspring
Hoffi neu beidio, mae'r peiriannau'n hawlio tiriogaeth newydd.
A chan “peiriannau” dwi'n golygu...
Mae Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Google, Sundar Pichai, yn cymharu effaith AI â thrydan a thân
Mae'r Ymyl
Dywedodd Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Google, Sundar Pichai, wrth siarad mewn digwyddiad teledu ar dâp a gynhaliwyd gan MSNBC a chwaer-safle The Verge Recode, fod deallusrwydd artiffisial yn un o'r pethau mwyaf dwys y mae dynoliaeth yn ...
Machines teaching each other could be the biggest exponential trend in AI
Intelligent systems, like those powered by the latest round of machine learning software, aren’t just getting smarter: they’re getting smarter faster. What we might call “machine teaching”—when devices communicate gained knowledge to one another—is a radical step up in the speed at which these systems improve.
Cydweithredu â pheiriannau
Since Alan Turing envisioned artificial intelligence, technical progress has often been measured by the ability to defeat humans in zero-sum encounters (e.g., Chess, Poker, or Go). Less attention has been given to scenarios in which human–machine cooperation is beneficial but non-trivial, such as scenarios in which human and machine preferences are neither fully aligned nor fully in conflict. Co
Dyfodol hirdymor AI (a beth allwn ni ei wneud yn ei gylch)
YouTube - TED
Mae Daniel Dewey yn gymrawd ymchwil yn Rhaglen Martin Rhydychen ar Effeithiau Technoleg y Dyfodol yn Sefydliad Dyfodol y Ddynoliaeth, Prifysgol Rhydychen...
Robet sociopaths: playing devil's advocate with Steven Pinker on the dangers of artificial intelligence
Llais ac Ymadael
By Max Borders To explore the implications of artificial intelligence, register for the Voice & Exit experience. Should you be afraid of the robot apocalypse? (I don’t mean...
This computer uses light—not electricity—to train AI algorithms
Startup Fathom Computing thinks optical computing can extend the gains of Moore's Law and light the way to the future of artificial intelligence.
Newyddion da: Mae AI yn mynd yn rhatach. Mae hynny hefyd yn newyddion drwg.
New York Times
Mae blociau adeiladu deallusrwydd artiffisial yn dod yn fwy fforddiadwy ac yn haws gweithio gyda nhw. Mae adroddiad newydd yn esbonio pam mae hynny'n agor y drws i risgiau ychwanegol.
Artificial intelligence and blockchain: 3 major benefits of combining these two mega-trends
Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two of the biggest technology trends of our time. Here we look at what would happen when you combine these two megatrends. We explore 3 major benefits that could be gained from blending AI and blockchain technology.
The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation
In the coming decades, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are going to transform many aspects of our world. Much of this change will be positive; the potential for benefits in areas as diverse as health, transportation and urban planning, art, science, and cross-cultural...
Adroddiad AI maleisus newydd yn amlinellu bygythiadau mwyaf y 5 mlynedd nesaf
Hwb Singularity
Rhywle rhwng y rhagolygon hynod hyped o AI a fydd yn gwneud popeth i ni ac AI a fydd yn dinistrio'r byd, mae realiti yn gorwedd: set gymhleth o risgiau a gwobrau sy'n newid yn barhaus. Mae adroddiad newydd yn edrych ar ddefnyddiau maleisus posibl o AI yn y pum mlynedd nesaf.
AI has a hallucination problem that's proving tough to fix
Machine learning systems, like those used in self-driving cars, can be tricked into seeing objects that don't exist. Defenses proposed by Google, Amazon, and others are vulnerable too.
Bydd AI yn eclipse Moore's Law fel gyrrwr arloesi technoleg.
Bydd deallusrwydd artiffisial yn cael mwy o effaith na Chyfraith Moore, y berthynas ddeinamig a ysgogodd y diwydiant technoleg i raddfa fawr heddiw. Ond yn y pen draw, y gwerth y mae AI yn ei greu fydd…
Asking the right questions about AI
In the past few years, we’ve been deluged with discussions of how artificial intelligence (AI) will either save or destroy the world. Self-driving cars will keep us alive; social media bubbles will…
Neuroevolution will push AI development to the next level
Wythnos Wybodaeth
Next up for developing artificial intelligence systems is automated neural-net architecture search.
Un peiriant i reoli pob un ohonynt: Gall 'Prif Algorithm' ddod i'r amlwg yn gynt nag yr ydych chi'n meddwl
Y We Nesaf
A fydd robotiaid yn breuddwydio mewn rhai a sero? Ydyn nhw'n gallu gwerthfawrogi rhosyn wrth unrhyw enw arall? Efallai y bydd calcwlws dosbarth newydd yn rhoi'r atebion hynny inni, a pheiriannau ag ymwybyddiaeth.
4 obstacles to ethical AI (and how to address them)
Data bias, opacity, data monopoly, and job loss are issues that plague the field of artificial intelligence. Here are some simple solutions to these problems.
Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators
Info World
Specialized hardware platforms are the future of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning at every tier and for every task in the cloud-to-edge world in which we will live
Mae algorithm esblygiadol yn perfformio'n well na pheiriannau dysgu dwfn mewn gemau fideo
MIT Technoleg Adolygiad
Gyda'r holl gyffro dros rwydweithiau niwral a thechnegau dysgu dwfn, mae'n hawdd dychmygu nad yw byd cyfrifiadureg yn cynnwys fawr ddim arall. Wedi'r cyfan, mae rhwydweithiau niwral wedi dechrau perfformio'n well na bodau dynol mewn tasgau fel adnabod gwrthrychau ac wynebau ac mewn gemau fel gwyddbwyll, Go, a gemau fideo arcêd amrywiol. Mae'r rhwydweithiau hyn…
Y chwyldro dysgu dwfn: Sut y bydd deall yr ymennydd yn gadael i ni wefru AI
Republic Tech
Terry Sejnowski, un o dadau maes dysgu dwfn, ar yr hyn sydd nesaf yn y chwyldro dysgu peirianyddol.
Preserving outputs precisely while adaptively rescaling targets
Deep Mind
Multi-task learning - allowing a single agent to learn how to solve many different tasks - is a longstanding objective for artificial intelligence research. Recently, there has been a lot of excellent progress, with agents like DQN able to use the same algorithm to learn to play multiple games including Breakout and Pong. These algorithms were used to train individual expert agents for each
Mae system deallusrwydd artiffisial yn defnyddio rhesymu tryloyw, tebyg i ddyn i ddatrys problemau
Mae model deallusrwydd artiffisial gan Grŵp Technolegau Cudd-wybodaeth a Phenderfynu Labordy MIT Lincoln yn gosod safon newydd ar gyfer deall sut mae rhwydwaith niwral yn gwneud penderfyniadau.
Adeiladu deallusrwydd artiffisial diogel: manyleb, cadernid a sicrwydd
Yn y swydd gyntaf hon, rydym yn trafod tri maes o ddiogelwch AI technegol: manyleb, cadernid a sicrwydd.
DARPA wants to build ‘contextual’ AI that understands the world
Beat Venture
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a pioneer in AI. At VB Summit 2018, Dr. Brian Pierce, director of its Innovation Office, spoke about ongoing efforts.
Awful AI
?Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness - daviddao/awful-ai
Fei-Fei Li's quest to make AI better for Humanity
AI has a problem: The biases of its creators are getting hard-coded into its future. Fei-Fei Li has a plan to fix that—by rebooting the field she helped invent.
Y niwrowyddonydd athrylithgar a allai ddal yr allwedd i wir AI
Efallai mai egwyddor ynni rhydd Karl Friston yw’r syniad mwyaf hollgynhwysol ers damcaniaeth Charles Darwin o ddethol naturiol. Ond i'w ddeall, mae angen i chi edrych y tu mewn i feddwl Friston ei hun.
A skeptic’s guide to thinking about AI
Cwmni Cyflym
This week, at the research institute AI Now‘s annual symposium, experts debated some of the most critical issues in society through the lens of AI. The event brought together law and politics…
Mae cyfrifiadura niwromorffig yn fargen fawr i A.I., ond beth ydyw?
YouTube - Ceisiwr
Gallai peirianneg gyfrifiaduron i weithio fel ymennydd chwyldroi technoleg fel rydyn ni'n ei hadnabod. Dyma bopeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod am gyfrifiadura niwromorffig.Get 2...
Cognitive computing: More human than artificial intelligence
Peirianneg Ddiddorol
Cognitive computing may sound like just another form of AI, but this sophisticated computing platform is fundamentally different—and much more powerful.
The rise of a new generation of AI avatars
Hwb Singularity
We’re close to building Earth’s “avatar layer”—where millions of lifelike avatars fill the world around us, connecting businesses to customers in new ways.
Numenta publishes breakthrough theory for intelligence and cortical computation
Numenta researchers propose a broad framework for understanding what the neocortex does and how it works. 'The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence' proposes that every part of the neocortex learns complete models of objects and concepts, rather than learning one model of the world.
AlphaStar: The inside story
YouTube - DeepMind
In recent years, StarCraft, considered to be one of the most challenging Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games and one of the longest-played esports of all time, ha...
StarCraft is a deep, complicated war strategy game. Google’s AlphaStar AI crushed it.
DeepMind has conquered chess and Go and moved on to complex real-time games. Now it’s beating pro gamers 10-1.
Mae Kai-Fu Lee yn cyflwyno cyfnod AI
YouTube - Mentrau Ymlaen
Mae Kai-Fu Lee yn trafod cynnydd cyflym deallusrwydd artiffisial yn Tsieina a goblygiadau hyn ar y presennol a'r dyfodol.
Mae arbenigwyr AI yn astudio'r ffordd y mae ymennydd plant yn datblygu, a gallai fod yn newidiwr gemau ar gyfer y dechnoleg
Busnes mewnol
Mae ymchwilwyr yn edrych yn agosach ar sut mae plant yn dysgu gwella systemau deallusrwydd artiffisial
Episode 85: A conversation with Ilya Sutskever
In this episode, Byron and Ilya Sutskever of Open AI talk about the future of general intelligence and the ramifications of building a computer smarter than us.
Mynd i'r afael â risgiau deallusrwydd artiffisial
McKinsey & Company
Gall sefydliadau liniaru risgiau uwch-ddadansoddeg a deallusrwydd artiffisial trwy gofleidio tair egwyddor.
Will artificial intelligence enhance or hack humanity?
Historian Yuval Noah Harari and computer scientist Fei-Fei Li discuss the promise and perils of the transformative technology with WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson.
Y cyfranwyr AI
Y bobl sy'n gosod labeli ar ddata fel bod cyfrifiaduron yn gallu deall beth ydyw.
Artificial Intelligence in China with Jeffrey Ding
Buddsoddi ARK
On episode 23 of ARK's For Your Innovation podcast, Jeffrey Ding, creator of the ChinAI newsletter, joins to talk about AI in China.
The human pursuit of artificial intelligence
Youtube - TEDx - Thore Graepel
What is intelligence? And how can we create it in machines? Thore Graepel takes us inside the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and reveals its potential...
Half of organisations have incorporated ethics into AI strategy
A new IDC report has shed light on the importance of ethics to the AI strategies of organisations as they ramp up their use of the technology.
Darkest Before The Dawn: AI research will go "dark" just before the singularity
26 votes, 15 comments. AI research labs are slowly becoming dark. This is something OpenAI has mentioned it might do and is now playing with partial …
Mae techneg 'Data Echoing' newydd Google yn lleihau'r amser sydd ei angen ar gyfer hyfforddiant AI
Mae adain ymchwil deallusrwydd artiffisial Google, Google Brain, wedi awgrymu gweithdrefn newydd i wella cyflymder hyfforddiant AI. Mewn datganiad papur
Hybrid chip paves way for ‘thinking machines’
Asia Times
Chinese researchers have developed a hybrid chip architecture that could move the world a step closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI)
The brain inspires a new type of artificial intelligence
Using advanced experiments on neuronal cultures and large scale simulations, scientists at Bar-Ilan University have demonstrated a new type of ultrafast artifical intelligence algorithms -- based on the very slow brain dynamics -- which outperform learning rates achieved to date by state-of-the-art learning algorithms.

In an article in Scientific Reports, the researchers rebuild the bridge
Cheat sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
Dod yn Ddynol
Over the past few months, I have been collecting AI cheat sheets. From time to time I share them with friends and colleagues and recently I have been getting asked a lot, so I decided to organize and…
The AI chip landscape in 2019
ARK invest
With competition heating up in the AI chip market, ARK was invited to present on the state of AI hardware at CogX 2019. The summary is here.
AI and Compute
We’re releasing an analysis showing that since 2012, the amount of compute used in the largest AI training runs has been increasing exponentially with a 3.4-month doubling time (by comparison, Moore’s Law had a 2-year doubling period).
The danger of AI is weirder than you think
Youtube - TED
Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more.The danger of artificial i...
AI R&D is booming, but general intelligence is still out of reach
Mae'r Ymyl
The 2019 AI Index report gives us a clear look at the world of artificial intelligence, with data points related to investment, research, and interest from around the world. What it also reminds us is that, despite the hype, AI’s ability is still limited in a number of important ways.
2010 – 2019: The rise of deep learning
Y We Nesaf
No other technology was more important over the past decade than artificial intelligence. Stanford’s Andrew Ng called it the new electricity, and both Microsoft and Google changed their business strategies to become “AI-first” companies. In
EUV: Lasers, plasma, and the sci-fi tech that will make chips faster
Microchips are one of the most complicated objects humanity has created, packing billions of transistors into a chip only a few centimeters across. These tra...
Cerebras’s giant chip will smash deep learning’s speed barrier
Computers using Cerebras’s chip will train these AI systems in hours instead of weeks
Mae prosiect Neon newydd Samsung wedi'i ddadorchuddio o'r diwedd: Mae'n chatbot AI humanoid
Nid yw'r chatbots realistig hyn i fod i gymryd lle bodau dynol ond “i'n gwneud ni'n fwy dynol.” Peidiwch â gofyn iddynt am ragolygon y tywydd.
The duture of AI depends on Asia
Y Diplomat
Recent geopolitical, economic and epidemic shocks in Asia reveal the real value of the region in the global economy and its future impact on world’s technological development.
7 type of Artificial intelligence
Brainstorming box
There are several types of artificial intelligence which have been developed and helping humans in a various range of activities.
Google open-sources framework that reduces AI training costs by up to 80%
Google recently open-sourced SEED RL, a framework that scales AI model training across thousands of machines while reducing costs.
Mae Cost hyfforddiant AI yn gwella ar gyflymder o 50x Moore's Law: Pam ei bod hi'n ddyddiau cynnar o hyd i AI
Buddsoddi ARK
Yn seiliedig ar gyflymder y gostyngiadau mewn costau hyfforddi AI, mae AI mewn dyddiau cynnar iawn. Mae ARK yn credu y bydd AI yn cynyddu o $1 triliwn i $30 triliwn erbyn 2037.
Mae rhwydweithiau niwral wedi'u gwella gan ffiseg yn dysgu trefn ac anhrefn
Ffiseg GSC
Mae rhwydweithiau niwral artiffisial yn frasamcanwyr swyddogaeth cyffredinol. Gallant ragweld deinameg, ond efallai y bydd angen llawer o niwronau arnynt i wneud hynny, yn enwedig os yw'r ddeinameg yn anhrefnus. Rydym yn defnyddio rhwydweithiau niwral sy'n ymgorffori deinameg Hamiltonaidd i ddysgu orbitau gofod fesul cam yn effeithlon hyd yn oed wrth i systemau aflinol drosglwyddo o drefn i anhrefn. Rydym yn arddangos rhwydweithiau niwral Hamiltonaidd yn eang
The ‘Android Of Self-Driving Cars’ built a 100,000X cheaper way to train AI for multiple trillion-dollar markets
How do you beat Tesla, Google, Uber and the entire multi-trillion dollar automotive industry to a full self-driving car?
Gall peiriannau ddysgu heb oruchwyliaeth 'ar gyflymder golau' ar ôl torri tir newydd AI, meddai gwyddonwyr
Mae perfformiad prosesydd rhwydwaith niwral sy'n seiliedig ar ffoton 100 gwaith yn uwch na phrosesydd trydanol
Mae generadur iaith newydd OpenAI GPT-3 yn syfrdanol o dda - ac yn gwbl ddifeddwl
Adolygu Technoleg
“Mae chwarae gyda GPT-3 yn teimlo fel gweld y dyfodol,” trydarodd Arram Sabeti, datblygwr ac artist o San Francisco, yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae hynny fwy neu lai'n crynhoi'r ymateb ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ystod yr ychydig ddyddiau diwethaf i'r AI diweddaraf sy'n cynhyrchu iaith OpenAI. Disgrifiodd OpenAI GPT-3 am y tro cyntaf mewn papur ymchwil a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Mai. Ond yr wythnos diwethaf mae'n…
Google’s TF-Coder tool automates machine learning model design
Google researchers developed a tool, TF-Coder, that automates the process of developing AI and machine learning models in TensorFlow.
A new Brain-Inspired learning method for AI saves memory and energy
Rather than processing big batches of data at once, the approach simply learns from data as it becomes available, cutting the required memory and energy.
Neurosymbolic AI to give us machines with true common sense
Machines with common sense, which rely on an emerging AI technique known as neurosymbolic AI, could greatly increase the value of AI for businesses and society at large.
The fourth generation of AI is here, and it’s called ‘Artificial Intuition’
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful technologies ever developed, but it’s not nearly as new as you might think. In fact, it’s undergone several evolutions since its inception in the 1950s. The first generation of AI was ‘descriptive analytics,’ which answers the question, “What happened?” The second, ‘diagnostic analytics,’ addresses, “Why did […]
Gallai system electronig wedi'i Ysbrydoli gan yr Ymennydd wneud Deallusrwydd Artiffisial 1,000 gwaith yn fwy effeithlon o ran ynni
Mae deallusrwydd artiffisial hynod ynni-effeithlon bellach yn agosach at realiti ar ôl i astudiaeth gan ymchwilwyr UCL ddod o hyd i ffordd i wella cywirdeb system gyfrifiadurol wedi'i hysbrydoli gan yr ymennydd. Mae'r system, sy'n defnyddio memristors i greu rhwydweithiau niwral artiffisial, o leiaf 1,000 gwaith yn fwy effeithlon o ran ynni
Deallusrwydd Artiffisial: Dull modern (4ydd argraffiad) ar y broblem aliniad
Llai Anghywir
Yn flaenorol: AGI a Friendly AI yn y gwerslyfr AI mwyaf blaenllaw (2011), Stuart
Russell: Rhaid i broblem aliniad gwerth AI fod yn "rhan gynhenid" o'r cae
agenda prif ffrwd (2014)

Daeth y pedwerydd rhifyn o Artiffisial Intelligence: A Modern Approach allan hwn
blwyddyn. Tra bod y 3ydd argraffiad a gyhoeddwyd yn 2009 yn sôn am yr Singularity a
risg dirfodol, mae'n nodedig faint mae'r 4ydd argraffiad yn ei roi i'r ali
A brief history of neural nets and deep learning
The story of how neural nets evolved from the earliest days of AI to now.
Dyfodol AI symudol
MIT Technology review
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to expand to power everything from security and facial recognition software to autonomous vehicles and mobile apps. In “Women leading the future of mobile AI,” a video series sponsored by Qualcomm Technologies, MIT Technology Review CEO Elizabeth Bramson-Boudreau explores the latest AI advances on software tools, mobile platforms, and algorithmic advancem
Google AI introduces Menger, a massive large-scale distributed reinforcement learning (RL) infrastructure
Google AI Introduces Menger, A Massive Large-Scale Distributed Reinforcement Learning (RL) Infrastructure. Reinforcement learning (RL)
State of AI report
Mae Dropbox yn wasanaeth rhad ac am ddim sy'n caniatáu ichi ddod â'ch lluniau, dogfennau a fideos i unrhyw le a'u rhannu'n hawdd. Peidiwch byth ag e-bostio ffeil i chi'ch hun eto!
The future of AI depends on 9 companies. If they fail, we’re doomed.
Sgyrsiau Tech
In The Big Nine, Amy Webb discusses the consequences of not fixing the broken state of artificial intelligence.
The next generation of artificial intelligence
Five years from now, the field of AI will look very different than it does today.
Mae strategaeth deallusrwydd artiffisial IBM yn wych, ond gwnaeth AI hefyd dorri 30% o'i weithlu AD
Mae Prif Swyddog Gweithredol IBM, Ginni Rometty yn bullish ar AI a'r effaith gadarnhaol y gall ei chael ar ei weithwyr.
Artificial Intelligence can now write amazing content -- What does that mean for humans?
Ar un adeg, credwyd bod cynhyrchu iaith ysgrifenedig yn dasg yr oedd bodau dynol â chymwysterau unigryw i'w gwneud. Heddiw, gyda datblygiadau mewn AI ac yn benodol cynhyrchu iaith naturiol, mae AI yn profi ei arbenigedd gyda phob math o fathau o gynnwys o adroddiadau newyddion a phostiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i adroddiadau ariannol.
An AI frenzy at universities
They're adding professors, classes and programs, but there is still a massive talent shortage.
Pam mae angen strategaeth Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI) ar bob cwmni ar gyfer 2019
Deallusrwydd artiffisial (AI) yw'r dechnoleg fwyaf trawsnewidiol sydd ar gael i fusnesau heddiw. Ni waeth pa mor fawr neu fach, neu ym mha sector neu ddiwydiant yr ydych, mae angen strategaeth AI ar eich busnes. Yma rydym yn edrych ar pam.
Mae meddalwedd Rekognition Amazon yn gadael i gops olrhain wynebau: Dyma beth sydd angen i chi ei wybod
Mae Amazon eisiau darparu meddalwedd adnabod wynebau i orfodi'r gyfraith a busnesau. Mae gennym ni gwestiynau.
Mastercard braces for retail's AI-fueled future
Hyperpersonalized and machine-to-machine commerce driven by 5G, IoT and AI will reshape retail as we know it , says Jorn Lambert, the company’s executive vice president of digital solutions.
Syniadau cychwyn deallusrwydd artiffisial addawol ar gyfer 2020
Porth TG Pro
Y syniadau AI mwyaf addawol ar gyfer busnesau newydd sy'n newid y byd.
Moeseg ar gyfer y diffoddwr rhyfel ai-alluog - y 'rhyfelwr-yn-y-dyluniad' dynol
The Hill
Mae angen set o egwyddorion arnom i arwain ymladdwyr rhyfel dynol i ddefnyddio systemau arfau angheuol angheuol.
AI systems dealing with human emotions
BBVA Openmind
Can IA replicate the procedures of humane emotions? Keith Darlington analyzes the concept or "artificial emotions" and the latest trends in this field
When AI needs a human assistant
Mae'r Ymyl
For years, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (or mTurk) has been a kind of open secret in the tech world, a place where AI companies can hire human labor to train their algorithms.
Mae radio newydd yn dod â chynorthwyydd llais i orfodi’r gyfraith
Technoleg y Llywodraeth
Mae Motorola Solutions yn towtio'r hyn y mae'n ei alw'n gynorthwyydd rhithwir cyntaf ar gyfer gorfodi'r gyfraith, sydd ar gael trwy radio dwy ffordd newydd sydd hefyd yn cynnwys sgrin gyffwrdd garw a chysylltedd LTE.
Mae sir gogledd carolina yn defnyddio ai ar gyfer ailbrisio eiddo
Technoleg y Llywodraeth
Yn yr hyn sy'n cael ei bilio fel peilot o dechnoleg AI y cwmni, bu SAS yn gweithio law yn llaw â gweinyddwr treth Wake County, NC, i bennu faint y dylid prisio pob un o 400,000 o eiddo'r sir.
Sut mae dyfodol y fyddin yn mynnu cynlluniau i feithrin sgiliau deallusrwydd artiffisial milwyr
Newyddion Amddiffyn
Mae'r Gen. Mike Murray yn gwthio tair ymdrech newydd i ysgogi arloesedd yn y Fyddin.
Timau uwch
“Superteams”—groups of people and intelligent machines working together—are the next step in AI’s continuing integration into the world of work.
Sut y gallai deallusrwydd artiffisial arbed amser
Wythnos Addysg
Athrawon: Allech chi ddefnyddio 13 awr ychwanegol yn eich wythnos waith, neu ar gyfer eich bywyd personol? Fe allai hynny fod yn bosib yn y dyfodol, yn ôl adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd fis diwethaf gan McKinsey & Company.
What AI can learn from parents
The Wall Street Journal
Like raising children, training an artificial intelligence means balancing obedience and independence.
NVIDIA found a way to train AI with very little data
NVIDIA has developed a new approach for training generative adversarial networks (GAN) that could one day make them suitable for a greater variety of tasks..
Will artificial intelligence ever live up to its hype?
Gwyddonol Americanaidd
Replication problems plague the field of AI, and the goal of general intelligence remains as elusive as ever
New deep learning method helps robots become jacks-of-all-trades
Hwb Singularity
The robot interacts with its environment through a process of trial-and-error and is rewarded for carrying out the correct actions.
Sut Mae Technoleg Masnachu AI yn Gwneud Buddsoddwyr y Farchnad Stoc yn Gallach
Mae masnachu AI wedi cael dylanwad mawr ar y farchnad stoc. Edrychwch ar y 9 cwmni masnachu hyn gan ddefnyddio AI.