Custom content for Enterprise users

One of the premium benefits of organizations investing in an Enterprise subscription is that the Quantumrun Foresight team commits to writing one Insight post and curating five Signal posts, per weekday, that reflect the specific research priorities of our Enterprise subscribers. 

How this works is that your team provides Quantumrun Foresight with a list of at minimum six industries, keywords, or topics that reflect your team’s research priorities, and then our research analysts will get to work producing relevant trend reporting and horizon scanning (link curation) on your behalf. At the end of each month, if your research priorities change, our team will adjust its reporting accordingly.

Think of this service as an extension of your research team.

Identifying custom content

One common question that Enterprise clients ask is how will team members identify custom content among the platform’s trend reporting provided by the general community.

Very simply, actually! 

All Insights and Signal posts tagged to your Enterprise organization account will have the visual tag below appended to the top right corner of the post.


The mock screenshot below is how these tagged posts would appear on the homepage.

If your team has further questions about this custom reporting service or how it is visualized on the platform, please contact us at your convenience.

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