Trend scanning

As seen on

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Stay informed about trends outside your industry, profession, or silo

Your company can be managed well. It can be innovative. But if your team doesn’t have the resources to track and understand the opportunities or challenges that exist outside of your company, then you may get disrupted by them. That’s why it’s so important to have trained professionals who can monitor for trends in industries outside of your own.


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After our consultants understand your core trend sensing needs, our researchers and analysts will begin drafting highly-customized monthly or quarterly trend reports that highlight the various trends emerging in the industries or professions outside of your team or company’s area of focus.

These trends will be based on reports from the media, industry journals, and leading subject matter experts. The insights from these sources will then be filtered through Quantumrun Foresight unique trend analysis methodology to isolate the trends/news that may be most relevant to your company’s near-term and long-term success.

Key takeaways

These monthly or quarterly reports will keep your division’s team members informed about trends emerging externally that may one day intersect with the offerings or operations of your business.

These reports may also provide insights to generate new product innovations, product/service lines, and business models for your company to grow its operations.

Schedule a meeting to learn how our Forecast monitoring service can help your business