archeology trends

Archeology trends

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Activist curators are sharpening the debate on restitution
The battle lines between retainers and returners are being redrawn from inside museums
Како археолозите го пронајдоа изгубениот средновековен мегаград Ангкор
Неодамнешната технологија ја реконструира урбаната мрежа на градот што го презеде џунглата.
How deep learning helps archaeologists rediscover the past
Техника Република
Practical applications of deep learning algorithms enhances the fields of archaeology and history.
The high-tech future of the ancient science of archaeology
A single archaeological team might work at a particular dig site for more than 40 years. But emerging technologies could soon allow archaeologists to virtually excavate an entire site within an hour.
Ancient Maya farms revealed by laser scanning
One agricultural network was 5 times larger than earlier estimates, and the fields may be an early source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.
The mission to scan the whole planet with lidar before it's too late
Популарни Механика
An archaeologist wants to use aircraft-mounted Lidar to scan the whole planet before it's too late. He calls his plan "the ultimate gift to future generations."
The new Indiana Jones? AI. Here's how it's overhauling archaeology
Сингуларност центар
A team was able to survey more than 70 new archaeological sites across an area of more than 1,000 square kilometers during the course of about a year.
Massive 3,000-year-old ceremonial complex discovered in 'plain sight'
National Geographic
An enormous pyramid-topped platform, unnoticed until detected with the help of lasers, is the oldest and largest structure in the Maya region.
Sarah Parcak: Space archeologist wizard genius
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