language growth trends

Language growth trends

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A conciencia da IA ​​en todo o mundo pode substituír a fala humana
New York Post
En só 32 anos, os humanos non se falarán entre si, senón que se comunicarán a través dunha conciencia mundial, usando só o noso cerebro...
Why hasn't AI mastered language translation?
Singularity Hub
The world is experiencing a state of unprecedented connectivity thanks to technology. But language remains a barrier. Even though technological devices can quickly and easily connect, humans from different parts of the world often can’t. Translation software may be the solution, but it isn't yet perfect—here's why.
As linguas alieníxenas poden non ser tan diferentes das nosas
Os extraterrestres poden compartir unha especie de "gramática universal" connosco, din os principais lingüistas como Noam Chomsky.
Talk to me: Is animal-translation technology truly on the horizon?
Brooklyn, New York -- Scooby, my friend Gram's dog, isn't exactly inscrutable. As a rambunctious five-year-old pit bull, he usually makes whatever he wants you to know fairly apparent. When Scooby first sees you, he tells you he's happy by wagging his tail and, when he's feeling particularly naughty, jumping up to lick your face. When he wants to play tug-of-war, he grabs a toy and presents it, hi
As traducións sen conexión de Google Translate están a piques de mellorar moito coa aprendizaxe automática
XDA Developers
Hoxe, Google mostrou como se beneficia Google Translate ao utilizar a tecnoloxía de aprendizaxe automática no dispositivo para traducións sen conexión.
Amazon patents a real-time accent translator
Amazon has been granted a patent for an audio system that detects the accent of a speaker and changes it to the accent of the listener, perhaps helping eliminate communication barriers in many situations and industries. The patent doesn't mean the company has made it, but there's also no technical reason why it can't do so.
Future languages
133 votes, 247 comments. We can all agree that languages around the world change with time. Languages gain dominance or get reduced to being …
Where have all the vowels gone?
The New York Times
Consider the muumuu.
Google Assistant’s new interpreter mode can translate conversations — but it’s not magic
The Verge
Google Assistant will soon be able to act as your real-life translator in 27 different languages. Google announced today that the voice assistant is getting a new "interpreter mode" that can translate in real time so you can hold conversations with someone who doesn’t share the same tongue. It works, but it’s not magic.
Government and the predictive power of language
From preventing terrorism to spotting restaurant heath violations, a form of artificial intelligence called natural language processing can help connect the dots.
A IA de Google agora pode traducir o teu discurso mantendo a túa voz
MIT Technology Review
Escoita este audio clip en español. Así pode soar a súa tradución ao inglés cando se somete a un sistema de tradución automática tradicional. Agora isto é como soa cando se aplica o novo sistema de tradución automática de Google. Os resultados non son perfectos, pero podes escoitar como o tradutor de Google puido reter a voz...
Linguistics professor to present on the future of communication with interstellar travel
SIU Carbondale
Interstellar travel may be a thing of the future, but how will people communicate if it actually happens? Southern Illinois University linguistics professor Jeffrey Punske is on the topic, presenting his unique perspective at the European Space Agency’s upcoming Interstellar Travel workshop.
Brain-computer interface will make people telepathic, scientists say
The Independent
People will communicate 'not only without speaking but without words - through access to each other's thoughts at a conceptual level'
Por que algunhas linguas se falan máis rápido que outras?
The Economist
Unha nova investigación suxire que as diferentes linguas, independentemente da velocidade, transmiten información aproximadamente á mesma velocidade
Google introduces huge universal language translation model: 103 languages trained on over 25 billion examples
Synced invited Graham Neubig, an Assistant Professor from Carnegie Mellon University to share his thoughts on the universal neural machine translation (NMT) system.
How the internet is changing language as we know it (ikr lol)
Arch, misspelled, often punctuation-free: writing online has become a distinct genre. But behind the studied carelessness is real linguistic innovation.
How to save an ancient language before it disappears forever
For decades, Taiwan’s minority Hakka people were banned from teaching their native language. Now an unlikely coalition of aging academics and millennial radio DJs are doing all they can to keep it alive.
The world and the world
Is language limited? We might answer the question with reference to a tragi-comic empirical precept: everything is limited, in the end, in one sense or another. We are mortal; we exist in an unknowable and strange universe, of which we understand very little. Each one of us is limited, by finitude, by vantage point; our species is limited, and, we might reasonably assume, will one day become exti
ili is first wearable translator
[CES 2016] The entire world is a global village now in the knowledge economy, and you can be sure that while command of the English language as a...
Falar de verdade
For decades, the idea of a language instinct has dominated linguistics. It is simple, powerful and completely wrong
Wearable translators: Making life easier with the press of a button
Wearable Translators are the New-Hottest Item for the Monolingual Traveler
A aprendizaxe automática transformou Google Translate
Mother Jones
Alex Tabarrok chámame a atención sobre un artigo da revista New York Times esta fin de semana. Trátase de aprendizaxe automática en xeral, pero comeza con isto: un venres pola noite de principios de novembro, Jun Rekimoto, un distinguido profesor de interacción humano-computadora da Universidade de Tokio, estaba en liña preparándose para unha conferencia cando […]
The language barrier is about to fall
O Wall Street Journal
Within 10 years, earpieces will whisper nearly simultaneous translations—and help knit the world closer together.
Instant translation tech spreads the love
Language separates us, but it doesn't have to.
Robots learn to work together by chatting in new language they created
Their communications evolved as the researchers challenged the machines with tougher tasks
Google’s speech recognition technology now has a 4.9% word error rate
Beat Venture
Google CEO Sundar Pichai today announced that the company’s speech recognition technology has now achieved a 4.9 percent word error rate. Put another way, Google transcribes every 20th word incorrectly. That’s a big improvement from the 23 percent the company saw in 2013 and the 8 percent it shared…
Baidu’s new text-to-speech system can master hundreds of accents
The Verge
There is a renaissance happening in the world of artificial intelligence. Using deep learning, researchers are producing systems that can recognize objects, understand spoken language, and even...
Elon Musk e os lingüistas din que a IA nos está obrigando a afrontar os límites da linguaxe humana
A linguaxe non é un vehículo perfecto para transmitir pensamentos e sentimentos.
This earpiece can translate foreign languages in seconds
Lingmo's AI-powered Translate One2One earpiece can translate between English, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German and Chinese
An artificial intelligence developed its own non-human language
O Atlántico
When Facebook designed chatbots to negotiate with one another, the bots made up their own way of communicating.
Chinese characters are futuristic and the alphabet is old news
The QWERTY keyboard was once the envy of the world, but not anymore.
Cookies, caches and cows
The Economist
Translating technological terms throws up some peculiar challenges
The unbearable elusiveness of natural language translation
Don't count on natural language technology to rise to the task of reliable intelligence or other complex tasks.
Podería caer a barreira lingüística nos próximos 10 anos?
Non sería marabilloso viaxar a un país estranxeiro sen ter que preocuparse pola molestia de comunicarse noutro idioma? Nun recente Wa
O futuro da conexión humana: como a intelixencia artificial transformará a forma en que nos comunicamos
Comunicacións Cuantificadas
É só cuestión de tempo ata que a intelixencia artificial tome decisións en todos os lugares de traballo.
Cal é o futuro da lingua?
Agora Este Mundo
China e Hong Kong: China e Tíbet: » Subscríbete a NowThis World: Desde 1949...
Google Pixel 2 event in 19 minutes
The Verge
The Google Pixel event has wrapped and we got a good look at a bunch of new hardware lineup this year: the second generation of Pixel smartphones, new Google...
A linguaxe soa que podería existir, pero non
tom scott
O alfabeto fonético internacional: un son por cada símbolo e un símbolo por cada son. Excepto polos sons que non podemos facer. Baixa a descrición...
Desbloqueando os segredos da intelixencia artificial lingüística co espazo vectorial entre linguas
Entrevista con Rafał Jaworski de XTM International sobre como o espazo vectorial interlingüe afecta o custo, o tempo de entrega, a precisión para os lingüistas, os LSP
A batalla contra a linguaxe racista é demasiado importante para trivializar
The Economist
Os obxectivos correctos e incorrectos nunha loita lingüística | Cultura
A esquerda e a dereita falan idiomas diferentes, literalmente
Un estudo que analizou patróns nos comentarios en liña descubriu que os liberais e os conservadores usan palabras diferentes para expresar ideas similares.
The science that spans #MeToo, memes, and covid-19
The theory underlying network science predates the internet. But in 2020, it became essential to understanding our interconnected world.
Google’s new trillion-parameter AI language model is almost 6 times bigger than GPT-3
A trio of researchers from the Google Brain team recently unveiled the next big thing in AI language models: a massive one trillion-parameter transformer system.
The next biggest model out there, as far as we’re aware, is OpenAI’s GPT-3, wh
Os modelos de IA de Microsoft e Google xa superan o rendemento humano na referencia de linguaxe SuperGLUE
Beat Venture
Os modelos de linguaxe de IA superaron o rendemento humano nun punto de referencia popular. Pero que significa iso realmente?
1,500 languages could be lost in the next 100 years, study finds
CBS News
The study found that around half of the world's 7,000 documented languages are endangered.
Dominant languages can spread even without coercion
The Economist
Whether and how to resist them is a tough question | Culture