language growth trends

Language growth trends

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Eling AI di sakuliah dunya bisa ngaganti ucapan manusa
New York Post
Dina ngan 32 taun, manusa moal nyarita ka silih tur gantina komunikasi ngaliwatan eling sakuliah dunya gantina - ngan ngagunakeun brains urang - ...
Naha AI henteu ngawasa tarjamahan basa?
Hub Tunggal
Dunya ngalaman kaayaan konektipitas unprecedented berkat téhnologi. Tapi basa tetep jadi panghalang. Sanaos alat-alat téknologi tiasa nyambungkeun gancang sareng gampang, manusa ti bagian-bagian dunya sering henteu tiasa nyambung. Parangkat lunak tarjamahan tiasa janten solusina, tapi éta henteu acan sampurna — ieu sababna.
Basa alien bisa jadi teu béda ti urang
ET tiasa ngabagikeun jinis 'tata basa universal' sareng urang, saur ahli basa terkemuka sapertos Noam Chomsky.
Ngobrol kuring: Naha téknologi tarjamahan sato leres-leres aya di cakrawala?
Brooklyn, New York -- Scooby, anjing sobat Gram urang, teu persis inscrutable. Salaku pit bull umur lima taun rambunctious, anjeunna biasana nyieun naon anjeunna hayang anjeun terang cukup katempo. Nalika Scooby mimiti ningali anjeun, anjeunna nyarios ka anjeun yén anjeunna bagja ku ngagebahkeun buntutna sareng, nalika anjeunna ngarasa bangor, luncat pikeun ngaletak raray anjeun. Nalika anjeunna hoyong maén tug-of-war, anjeunna nyeepkeun hiji cocooan sareng dibere, hi
Tarjamahan offline Google Tarjamah bakal langkung saé kalayan diajar mesin
XDA pamekar
Dinten ayeuna, Google nunjukkeun kumaha Google Tarjamah kauntungan tina ngagunakeun téknologi pembelajaran mesin dina alat pikeun tarjamahan offline.
Amazon patents a real-time accent translator
Amazon has been granted a patent for an audio system that detects the accent of a speaker and changes it to the accent of the listener, perhaps helping eliminate communication barriers in many situations and industries. The patent doesn't mean the company has made it, but there's also no technical reason why it can't do so.
Future languages
133 votes, 247 comments. We can all agree that languages around the world change with time. Languages gain dominance or get reduced to being …
Where have all the vowels gone?
The New York Times
Consider the muumuu.
Google Assistant’s new interpreter mode can translate conversations — but it’s not magic
Verge The
Google Assistant will soon be able to act as your real-life translator in 27 different languages. Google announced today that the voice assistant is getting a new "interpreter mode" that can translate in real time so you can hold conversations with someone who doesn’t share the same tongue. It works, but it’s not magic.
Government and the predictive power of language
From preventing terrorism to spotting restaurant heath violations, a form of artificial intelligence called natural language processing can help connect the dots.
Google’s AI can now translate your speech while keeping your voice
MIT Téhnologi Review
Listen to this Spanish audio clip. This is how its English translation might sound when put through a traditional automated translation system. Now this is how it sounds when put through Google’s new automated translation system. The results aren’t perfect, but you can sort of hear how Google’s translator was able to retain the voice…
Profesor Linguistik nampilkeun masa depan komunikasi sareng perjalanan antarbintang
SIU Carbondale
Perjalanan Interstellar tiasa janten masa depan, tapi kumaha jalma bakal komunikasi upami éta leres-leres kajadian? Profésor linguistik Universitas Illionis Kidul Jeffrey Punske aya dina topik éta, nampilkeun sudut pandang anu unik dina bengkel Perjalanan Interstellar anu bakal datang Badan Spasi Éropa.
Antarbeungeut otak-komputer bakal ngajantenkeun jalma telepathic, saur ilmuwan
Pranata mangsa
Jalma bakal komunikasi 'henteu ngan tanpa diomongkeun tapi tanpa kecap - ngaliwatan aksés ka pikiran masing-masing dina tingkat konseptual'
Why are some languages spoken faster than others?
The ékonom
New research suggests that different tongues, regardless of speed, transmit information at roughly the same rate
Google introduces huge universal language translation model: 103 languages trained on over 25 billion examples
Synced invited Graham Neubig, an Assistant Professor from Carnegie Mellon University to share his thoughts on the universal neural machine translation (NMT) system.
How the internet is changing language as we know it (ikr lol)
Arch, misspelled, often punctuation-free: writing online has become a distinct genre. But behind the studied carelessness is real linguistic innovation.
How to save an ancient language before it disappears forever
For decades, Taiwan’s minority Hakka people were banned from teaching their native language. Now an unlikely coalition of aging academics and millennial radio DJs are doing all they can to keep it alive.
Dunya jeung dunya
Naha basa terbatas? Urang tiasa ngajawab patarosan kalayan ngarujuk kana prinsip empiris tragi-komik: sadayana terbatas, dina tungtungna, dina hiji rasa atanapi anu sanés. Kami fana; urang aya di alam semesta unknowable tur aneh, nu urang ngarti pisan saeutik. Masing-masing urang diwatesan, ku finitude, ku titik vantage; spésiés urang diwatesan, jeung, urang bisa alesan nganggap, hiji poé bakal exti
ili is first wearable translator
[CES 2016] The entire world is a global village now in the knowledge economy, and you can be sure that while command of the English language as a...
Real talk
For decades, the idea of a language instinct has dominated linguistics. It is simple, powerful and completely wrong
Wearable translators: Making life easier with the press of a button
Wearable Translators are the New-Hottest Item for the Monolingual Traveler
Pembelajaran mesin parantos ngarobih Google Tarjamah
indung Jones
Alex Tabarrok narik perhatian kuring kana tulisan dina Majalah New York Times sabtu minggu ieu. Ieu ngeunaan pembelajaran mesin sacara umum, tapi dimimitian ku ieu: Telat hiji malem Jumaah di awal Nopémber, Jun Rekimoto, profésor anu kasohor dina interaksi manusa-komputer di Universitas Tokyo, nuju nyiapkeun online pikeun kuliah nalika […]
The language barrier is about to fall
The Wall Street Journal
Within 10 years, earpieces will whisper nearly simultaneous translations—and help knit the world closer together.
Instant translation tech spreads the love
Language separates us, but it doesn't have to.
Robot diajar gawé bareng ku ngobrol dina basa anyar maranéhna dijieun
Komunikasina mekar nalika peneliti nantang mesin kalayan tugas anu langkung hese
Google’s speech recognition technology now has a 4.9% word error rate
Modal Darso
Google CEO Sundar Pichai today announced that the company’s speech recognition technology has now achieved a 4.9 percent word error rate. Put another way, Google transcribes every 20th word incorrectly. That’s a big improvement from the 23 percent the company saw in 2013 and the 8 percent it shared…
Baidu’s new text-to-speech system can master hundreds of accents
Verge The
There is a renaissance happening in the world of artificial intelligence. Using deep learning, researchers are producing systems that can recognize objects, understand spoken language, and even...
This earpiece can translate foreign languages in seconds
Maké kabel
Lingmo's AI-powered Translate One2One earpiece can translate between English, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German and Chinese
An artificial intelligence developed its own non-human language
When Facebook designed chatbots to negotiate with one another, the bots made up their own way of communicating.
Chinese characters are futuristic and the alphabet is old news
The QWERTY keyboard was once the envy of the world, but not anymore.
Cookies, caches and cows
The ékonom
Translating technological terms throws up some peculiar challenges
The unbearable elusiveness of natural language translation
Don't count on natural language technology to rise to the task of reliable intelligence or other complex tasks.
Naha halangan basa leres-leres tumiba dina 10 taun ka hareup?
Naha éta éndah pikeun ngarambat ka nagara deungeun tanpa kedah hariwang ngeunaan gangguan komunikasi dina basa anu béda? Dina Wa
The future of human connection: How artificial intelligence will transform the way we communicate
Quantified Communications
It's only a matter of time until artificial intelligence is a decision maker in every workplace.
Kumaha masa depan basa?
Ayeuna Dunya Ieu
Cina & Hong Kong: Cina & Tibet: » Ngalanggan NowThis World: Ti saprak 1949...
Google Pixel 2 event in 19 minutes
Verge The
The Google Pixel event has wrapped and we got a good look at a bunch of new hardware lineup this year: the second generation of Pixel smartphones, new Google...
The language sounds that could exist, but don't
Tom témbal
The International Phonetic Alphabet: one sound for each symbol, and one symbol for each sound. Except for the sounds we can't make. Pull down the description...
Muka konci rusiah basa AI sareng rohangan vektor antarbasa
Wawancara sareng Rafał Jaworski XTM International ngeunaan kumaha pangaruh rohangan vektor antarbasa kana biaya, waktos pangiriman, akurasi pikeun ahli basa, LSP
Perangna ngalawan basa rasis penting teuing pikeun diremehkeun
The ékonom
Sasaran bener jeung salah dina perjuangan linguistik | Kabudayaan
Kénca jeung Katuhu nyarita basa béda-sacara harfiah
Maké kabel
Hiji studi analisa pola dina komentar online kapanggih yén liberal jeung konservatif ngagunakeun kecap béda pikeun nganyatakeun gagasan sarupa.
The science that spans #MeToo, memes, and covid-19
Maké kabel
The theory underlying network science predates the internet. But in 2020, it became essential to understanding our interconnected world.
Google’s new trillion-parameter AI language model is almost 6 times bigger than GPT-3
A trio of researchers from the Google Brain team recently unveiled the next big thing in AI language models: a massive one trillion-parameter transformer system.
The next biggest model out there, as far as we’re aware, is OpenAI’s GPT-3, wh
Modél AI ti Microsoft sareng Google parantos ngaleuwihan kinerja manusa dina patokan basa SuperGLUE
Modal Darso
Modél basa AI geus ngaleuwihan kinerja manusa dina patokan populér. Tapi naon anu sabenerna hartosna?
1,500 languages could be lost in the next 100 years, study finds
BPS News
The study found that around half of the world's 7,000 documented languages are endangered.
Dominant languages can spread even without coercion
The ékonom
Whether and how to resist them is a tough question | Culture